Professor Michael Stoffel is the head of the neurosurgical department Helios Krefeld. The doctor specializes in the treatment of narrowing of the spinal canal, tumors of the spine and spinal cord. Michael Stoffel knows the techniques of endoscopic (through small punctures) and robotic operations. The doctor controls the course of the interventions using the neuronavigation system, which allows him to operate as accurately as possible.
Esperjenza (snin)
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurosurġerja, Onkoloġija, Kirurġija spinali
Bartolome Oliver is a top-rated neurologist from Spain. Heads the Neurosurgical Department at the Teknon Clinic. Dr. Bartolome has been practicing since 1979. Dr. Oliver performs microsurgical operations through small incisions under a microscope. The physician also utilizes apparatuses of non-invasive radiosurgery. Dr. Bartolome Oliver performs more than 200 operations annually.
Dr. Oliver received an education at the University of Barcelona. He completed residency training in the National Neurosurgical Service. The doctor was trained in hospitals in Stockholm (Sweden), Zurich (Switzerland), Montreal (Canada), St. Louis (the USA), and Pittsburgh (the USA). Dr. Oliver worked in the largest Spanish hospitals - São Paulo, Olivera Ayat, Teknon.
L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett tagħna jsalva ħajjiet billi tgħin lin-nies isolvu l-problemi ta 'saħħa tagħhom. Aħna nipprovdu l-opportunità li nsibu u nirċievu servizzi mediċi ta 'kwalità bl-iktar prezzijiet raġonevoli.
Issa, biex tippjana vjaġġ lejn pajjiż ieħor għas-servizzi mediċi, m'għandekx għalfejn taqleb minn sit għal post, tqatta 'l-ħin tiegħek. Fl-AllHospital inti tista ':
• issib u tagħmel appuntament ma ’iktar minn 1000 sptar madwar id-dinja;
• tikseb konsultazzjoni b'xejn;
• issib biljetti tal-ajru bi prezz raġonevoli għat-titjira lejn il-pajjiż mixtieq;
• tixtri assigurazzjoni medika;
• tagħżel lukandi jew appartamenti viċin il-klinika;
• tordna s-servizzi ta 'traduttur professjonali b'edukazzjoni medika.
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