Kumpanija ta 'prosperità Manipal Group twaqqfet fl-1953 minn Dr Pai - tabib famuż, edukatur, bankier u filantropista. Kien hu li organizza l-ewwel Kulleġġ Mediku (Kasturba Medical College) fl-Indja fl-1955.
L-Isptar Manipal Multidixxiplinarju jinsab f'Bangalore u joffri firxa sħiħa ta 'servizzi f'60 oqsma differenti. L-isptar huwa mgħammar bl-aktar faċilitajiet moderni u jissodisfa l-istandards internazzjonali kollha. Din twaqqfet fl-1991 u tikklassifika llum fl-Top 10 sptarijiet ġenerali fl-Indja u fl-Isptar Aħjar ta 'Bangalore mill-Magazine Magazine għal 6 snin in fila. Kull sena l-Isptar Manipal ta 'Bangalore jaċċetta aktar minn 2 miljun pazjent minn 30 pajjiż differenti.
Żoni ta' Profil tan-netwerk ta 'Sptarijiet Manipal. Il-Klinika ugwalment żviluppat tajjeb kważi l-fergħat mediċi kollha li jeżistu bħalissa, għalhekk huma l-iktar prominenti biss li jissemmew:
L-Isptar Manipal ta 'Bangalore għandu:
Speċjalizzazzjoni: L-onkoloġija, Ortopediċi
Professor Dr. Dipchand Bhaskar Bhandare is a top orthopedic doctor in India. Prof. Bhandare has provided over 2,000 orthopedic surgeries.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kirurġija barjatrika, Endocrinology
Abhay Ramakant Hadke is involved in the surgical treatment of obesity. Dr. Hadke specializes in sleeve resection of the stomach, bypass surgery, bandaging.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Ortopediċi, Rumatoloġija, Traumatoloġija
Dr. Dessai is a specialist in Traumatology, Orthopedics, and Rheumatology. The doctor manages pain, treats foot injury, provides functional orthopedics. Over 1,000 knee and hip replacements are on his account.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Trasplantoloġija
Dr. Subramanyan has been involved in transplantology since 2007. During his work as an assistant, and then as an operating surgeon, he took part in more than 700 liver transplant surgeries from different types of donors and almost 2,000 kidney transplants.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija, Uroloġija
Dr. Madhav Sanzgiri is one of the leading doctors in urology at the Manipala Hospital.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija
B.M. Vadiraja - oncologist, radiologist. Dr. Vadiraja is involved in research in the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, head and neck tumors, and metastatic breast cancer.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Id-denterja
Anirban Chatterjee specializes in dental implants, braces, and fillings.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: L-onkoloġija
Aritra Ghosh specializes in the surgical treatment of the thyroid gland, breast, colorectal surgery, and hernia removal.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kirurġija barjatrika, Gastroenteroloġija
Jasti B. K. Surendra is a gastroenterologist, specializes in surgery of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, hernia removal, bariatric surgery.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Nefrologja, Trasplantoloġija
Jitendra Goswami is a nephrologist. He specializes in the treatment of renal failure and kidney transplantation.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija, Endocrinology
Specialist in the treatment of thyroid disorders.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Oftalmoloġija
Lakshmi Mahesh - ophthalmologist, surgeon. Dr. Mahesh is one of the first specialists in India to perform ophthalmic surgery using an endoscope.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija, Trasplantoloġija
Oncohematologist, bone marrow transplantation specialist
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Dermatoloġija
Praven Bhardwaj specializes in pediatric dermatology, cosmetic dermatology and trichology.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Immunoloġija, Mardi infettivi
Ramesh S. is an immunologist, specializes in HIV therapy, treatment of infectious diseases.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: L-onkoloġija, Onkoloġija
Sarat Chandra P is an oncologist who specializes in the surgical treatment of cancer of the breast, head, neck, intestines, and female genital organs.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kirurġija plastika
Plastic and cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Shrikant specializes in laser resurfacing of the face, liposuction, tummy tuck, breast reduction in men, rhinoplasty.