Sptar Quirón Teknon (Barċellona)

Barċellona, Spanja

Deskrizzjoni tal-klinika


L-Isptar tal-JCI akkreditat Quirón Teknon huwa membru tal-grupp usa 'ta' kura Quirósalud, netwerk ta 'fornituri tal-kura tas-saħħa privati ​​fi Spanja b'aktar minn 80 ċentri tas-saħħa. Il-kampus tal-isptar jiġbor fih 64,000 pied kwadru, u joffri 211 kmamar għall-pazjenti, 19 suites, u 10 inkubaturi. Hemm 20 teatri operattivi, li fihom jitwettqu 22,000 proċedura kirurġika kull sena.

L-isptar jipprovdi servizzi internazzjonali komprensivi għall-pazjenti fosthom interpretazzjoni, assistenza mill-viża, prenotazzjoni ta 'lukanda u titjira, talbiet tad-dieta, u traduzzjoni ta' rekords mediċi fost ħafna aktar.


L-isptar Quirón Teknon jinsab fil-majjistral ta 'Barċellona, ​​15 km biss mill-Ajruport ta' Barċellona-El Prat. Huwa aċċessibbli permezz ta 'trasport pubbliku jew taxi.

Barċellona hija l-kapitali tar-reġjun ta' Spanja fil-Katalonja u hija famuża għall-arkitettura tagħha, il-ħajja tat-triq vibranti, u l-famuża Beach Barceloneta.

Waħda minn l-iktar attrazzjonijiet ikoniċi tal-belt hija s-Sagrada Familia, knisja Kattolika Rumana kbira ddisinjata minn Antoni Gaudi. Għalkemm għadha mhix lesta, il-knisja hija Sit ta 'Wirt Dinji tal-UNESCO u hija magħrufa għall-istil gotiku u l-arti nouveau. Jinsab 4 km mill-isptar.

Lingwi mitkellma

Ingliż, Russu, Spanjol

Għotjiet u Akkreditazzjonijiet

Servizzi addizzjonali

  • Spiżerija Spiżerija
  • Wifi b'xejn Wifi b'xejn
  • Ibbukkjar tat-titjira Ibbukkjar tat-titjira
  • Ibbukkjar ta 'lukanda Ibbukkjar ta 'lukanda
  • Ġbir ta 'ajruport Ġbir ta 'ajruport
  • Kiri tal-karozzi Kiri tal-karozzi
  • Ibbukkjar tat-trasport lokali Ibbukkjar tat-trasport lokali
  • Kmamar privati għall-pazjenti disponibbli Kmamar privati għall-pazjenti disponibbli
  • Konsultazzjoni onlajn mat-tabib Konsultazzjoni onlajn mat-tabib
  • Assigurazzjoni medika tal-ivvjaġġar Assigurazzjoni medika tal-ivvjaġġar
  • Kmamar aċċessibbli għall-mobbiltà Kmamar aċċessibbli għall-mobbiltà
  • Parking disponibbli Parking disponibbli
  • Trasferiment ta 'rekords mediċi Trasferiment ta 'rekords mediċi
  • Talbiet tad-dieta speċjali aċċettati Talbiet tad-dieta speċjali aċċettati
  • Tal-londri Tal-londri
  • Akkomodazzjoni tal-familja Akkomodazzjoni tal-familja
  • Riabilitazzjoni Riabilitazzjoni
  • Offerta speċjali għal soġġorni fi grupp Offerta speċjali għal soġġorni fi grupp
  • Telefon fil-kamra Telefon fil-kamra
  • Servizzi ta 'traduzzjoni Servizzi ta 'traduzzjoni
  • Għażliet ta 'turiżmu lokali Għażliet ta 'turiżmu lokali

Spiża tat-trattament

Kirurġija barjatrika
Immaġni dijanjostiċi
Mediċina kolorettali
Mediċina ġenerali
L-ear, l-imnieżej u l-għoxda (ent)
Kirurġija plastika
Mediċina pulmonarja u respiratorja
Mediċina riproduttiva
Mediċina vaskulari
Kirurġija spinali
Mediċina fisika u riabilitazzjoni
Kirurġja maxillofazzjali

Tobba Kliniċi

It-tim fl-isptar Quirón Teknon jammonta għal aktar minn 2,000 tobba, infermiera, tobba mediċi, u staff ta 'appoġġ, li kollha jaħdmu flimkien biex jiżguraw li l-pazjenti jirċievu l-ogħla standards ta' kura personalizzata. Dan jinkludi aktar minn 400 speċjalista mediku ta 'grad għoli, li ħafna minnhom ġew edukati f'istituzzjonijiet mediċi internazzjonali prestiġjużi. Huma jkopru firxa wiesgħa ta 'speċjalitajiet mediċi, inklużi onkoloġija, kardjoloġija u kirurġija kardjovaskulari, trawmatoloġija, kirurġija maxillofacial, kirurġija estetika u plastika, u newrokirurġija.

Ħafna mill-persunal tal-isptar jitkellmu bl-Ingliż, u tim dedikat huwa fuq naħa biex tgħin pazjenti internazzjonali waqt il-waqfa tagħhom f'Barċellona.

Bartolomé Oliver

Bartolomé Oliver

Esperjenza (snin)

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurosurġerja, Onkoloġija, Kirurġija spinali

Bartolome Oliver is a top-rated neurologist from Spain. Heads the Neurosurgical Department at the Teknon Clinic. Dr. Bartolome has been practicing since 1979. Dr. Oliver performs microsurgical operations through small incisions under a microscope. The physician also utilizes apparatuses of non-invasive radiosurgery. Dr. Bartolome Oliver performs more than 200 operations annually.

Dr. Oliver received an education at the University of Barcelona. He completed residency training in the National Neurosurgical Service. The doctor was trained in hospitals in Stockholm (Sweden), Zurich (Switzerland), Montreal (Canada), St. Louis (the USA), and Pittsburgh (the USA). Dr. Oliver worked in the largest Spanish hospitals - São Paulo, Olivera Ayat, Teknon.

Antonio Russi

Antonio Russi

Esperjenza (snin)

Prof. Antonio Russi is recognized as a world-famous neurologist and the best epileptologist in Spain. The Doctor specializes in non-surgical therapy of severe and rare epilepsy stages. He helps children and adults to get rid of seizures for good. Prof. Antonio Russi is an apparent expert in epilepsy diagnosing and choosing the most appropriate drugs in each particular case. Medication therapy helps patients in 70% of cases.

Prof. Russi is included in the ranking of Top 100 Spanish doctors by the Forbes magazine.

Ferran Montserrat

Ferran Montserrat

Esperjenza (snin)

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurologja, Ortopediċi

Dr. Ferrand Montserrat is one of the leading orthopedic surgeons in Spain, chairman of the training center of the European Federation of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Teknon Medical Center.

Mercedes Pineda Marfa

Mercedes Pineda Marfa

Esperjenza (snin)

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurologja

41 years of experience

Carlos Ballesta Lopez

Carlos Ballesta Lopez

Esperjenza (snin)

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kirurġija barjatrika, Mediċina kolorettali, Onkoloġija, Endocrinology

Dr. Carlos Ballesta López is a Head Of Laparoscopic Surgery Center. His specialty: General and Digestive Surgery With more than 30 years of experience in general and digestive surgery, Dr. Ballesta is a pioneer in laparoscopic surgery (minimally invasive).

Rafael Blesa

Rafael Blesa

Esperjenza (snin)

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurologja

Specialist in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive disorders

Fernando Castanera de Molina

Fernando Castanera de Molina

Esperjenza (snin)

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Oftalmoloġija

Dr. Fernando Castanera de Molina is the Director of the Eye Clinic specialized in implant-refractive surgery in Teknon Hospital. Doctor Molina is a pioneer in laser treatment for ophthalmic disorders in Spain. In 1988, he was the first in Spain who corrected myopia with an excimer laser and implanted a Collamer lens to treat refractive errors of the eye.

Isabel Güell López

Isabel Güell López

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurologja

35 years of experience

Josep Brugada

Josep Brugada

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kardjoloġija, L-onkoloġija, Pedjatriċi

Prof. Brugada is a world-famous cardiologist from Spain. He discovered the genetic cause of a rare syndrome causing sudden heart death called afterward as Brugada Syndrome. It provides scientific, teaching, and humanitarian activities.

Juan Carlos Garcia Valdecasas

Juan Carlos Garcia Valdecasas

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija, Trasplantoloġija

Head of the Abdominal Surgery Department

Raimon Miralbell

Raimon Miralbell

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija

Professor Raimon Miralbell is a world-renowned expert in radiation oncology, prostate cancer in particular. Cooperates with CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research).

Salvador Villà

Salvador Villà

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija

35 years of experience

Antonio Alcaraz

Antonio Alcaraz

Speċjalizzazzjoni: L-onkoloġija, Onkoloġija, Trasplantoloġija, Uroloġija

Dr. Antonio Alcaraz is a leading Spanish surgeon, uro-oncologist, and transplantologist with more than 30 years of experience. Under his management over 500 successful operations have been conducted for the treatment of pathologies of the urogenital system. A lot of surgical interventions have been made by minimally invasive methods (including laparoscopic transvaginal kidney removal, nephrectomy, and renal transplantation). Antonio Alcaraz's specialty is the treatment of prostate cancer.

Javier Maiz

Javier Maiz

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija, L-ear, l-imnieżej u l-għoxda (ent)

Dr. Javier Mais is an ENT specialist in head and neck surgery. Dr. Mais is a specialist in laser microsurgery through the mouth. This type of surgery allows you to safely remove the formation of the tongue, pharynx, and larynx without external incisions. After such an intervention, scars remain and in most cases, side effects such as problems with speech and swallowing can be avoided.

Jon Karles Galseran

Jon Karles Galseran

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija, Uroloġija

30 years of experience

Jordi Antoni Vives

Jordi Antoni Vives

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Ginecologja, Onkoloġija

Dr. Anthony Vives is one of the leading gynecologists in Spain. Oncologist, accredited operator of the Da Vinci robotic system, expert on surgical interventions on the pelvic organs. Specializes in the treatment of cervical cancer.

Marta Suarez Rodriguez

Marta Suarez Rodriguez

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija

Specialist in breast cancer treatment

Àngels Bayés Rusiñol

Àngels Bayés Rusiñol

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurologja

25 years of experience

Isabel Rubio

Isabel Rubio

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija

Head of the Breast Cancer Department

Jose Gonzalbez

Jose Gonzalbez

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija

24 years of experience

Antoni Bayes Genis

Antoni Bayes Genis

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kardjoloġija

23 years of experience

Eduard Fernandez Nofrerias

Eduard Fernandez Nofrerias

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kardjoloġija

23 years of experience

Joan Molet Teixidó

Joan Molet Teixidó

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurologja

20 years of experience

Joaquim Casañas

Joaquim Casañas

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurologja

Prof. Joaquim Casañas is a famous orthopedic surgeon from Spain. He is among several specialists in the world who provides nerve surgeries and reconstruction, applies the technique of intraoperative mapping and monitoring during the surgeries on the brachial plexus. The technique builds graphical charts during the surgery to find damaged areas, detect nerves affected and check their functioning. It helps to find healthy nervous tissues and reconstruct the damaged ones.

Juan Ybarra Munoz

Juan Ybarra Munoz

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kirurġija barjatrika, Endocrinology

17 years of experience

Federico Hernandez Alfaro

Federico Hernandez Alfaro

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kirurġja maxillofazzjali

Dr. Alfaro is a top oral & maxillofacial surgeon from Spain. Heads the Maxillofacial Institute. It is one of the most experienced and skilled orthognathic surgeons in the world.

Jaume Capdevila

Jaume Capdevila

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija

Dr. Capdevilla leads the Department of Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Tumors at the Teknon Medical Center in Barcelona and provides consultations for patients around the world.

Charlotte Garcia-Valdecasas

Charlotte Garcia-Valdecasas

Speċjalizzazzjoni: L-onkoloġija, Onkoloġija

11 years of experience

Antoni Barnadas

Antoni Barnadas

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Ginecologja, Onkoloġija

Dr. Antoni Masso Barnadas - bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Medical specialist in Gynecology.

Dora Fernandez Agrafojo

Dora Fernandez Agrafojo

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Oftalmoloġija


Emili Monserrat

Emili Monserrat

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija


Eva Vilarrasa

Eva Vilarrasa

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Mediċina ġenerali


Fernando Mascaró Ballester

Fernando Mascaró Ballester

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Oftalmoloġija


Joan Dalmau Arias

Joan Dalmau Arias

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija


Joan Ramon Garces

Joan Ramon Garces

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Dermatoloġija, Onkoloġija

Specialist in skin cancer treatment

Jorge Cazal

Jorge Cazal

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Oftalmoloġija


Xavier García Navarro

Xavier García Navarro

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija


Rafael Rossell

Rafael Rossell

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija, Mediċina pulmonarja u respiratorja

Dr. Rafael Rossel is a world-renowned lung cancer specialist. Doctor Rafael Rossel is «the highest authority in lung cancer in Europe,» — according to the Lancet medical journal, world's oldest and most prestigious medical edition.

He is the Chief Physician and President of the Dr. Rossell Oncology Institute based on base Centro Médico Teknon. Doctor Rosell is the Founder of the Spanish Lung Cancer Group. He has numerous awards for his achievements in lung cancer-fighting.

Luis Orozco

Luis Orozco

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Ortopediċi

40 years of experience

Raul Felipe Abella

Raul Felipe Abella

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kardjoloġija, L-onkoloġija, Pedjatriċi, Mediċina vaskulari

Dr. Raul Abella is a top-rated Spanish cardiovascular surgeon, famous far beyond its borders. Doctor Abella specializes in congenital heart disorders in children.

Dr. Abella leads a team of cardiac surgeons who performed more than 5,000 heart operations with a success rate of 98.2%. This indicator corresponds to the best cardiac surgical centers in the world.

Rafael González-Adrio Wagner

Rafael González-Adrio Wagner

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Ortopediċi

Dr. Rafael González-Adrio Wagner is Spain’s leading specialist in hip and knee surgery and joint replacement.

Alberto Diez-Caballero Alonso

Alberto Diez-Caballero Alonso

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kirurġija barjatrika, L-onkoloġija, Onkoloġija

Specialist in general surgery. Expert in digestive tract surgery. Expert in minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic surgery)

César García Madrid

César García Madrid

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Mediċina vaskulari

Dr. Madrid is a top expert in angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery from Spain. A pioneer in the non-surgical treatment of varicose veins by endoluminal radiofrequency and VenaSeal. Head of the Vascular Institute Garcia-Madrid at Centro Médico Teknon.

Eugeni Saigi Grau

Eugeni Saigi Grau

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija

Member of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) Cooperative Group chairman ACROSS (Catalan Association for Cancer Research and it's Social and Health) for the development of clinical trials in oncology. Member of the Spanish Group for the Study of Breast Cancer (GEICAM) Collaborates with the Cooperative Group for the Treatment of Digestive Tumors (TTD).

Dr. Eugeni Saigí has participated as coordinator and principal investigator in numerous clinical studies both nationally and internationally, with special attention to breast cancer and gastrointestinal tumors. He has published more than 70 articles, national and international scientific papers and book chapters. He is a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Oncology in 1999.

Fermín Mearin Manrique

Fermín Mearin Manrique

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Gastroenteroloġija, Onkoloġija

Professor Fermín Mearin Manrique is a Spanish experienced gastroenterologist with over 40 years of practice. Heads the Digestive System Service at Teknon Medical Center. Founder of Teknon Institute for the Study and Treatment of Constipation & Incontinence.

Javier Herrero Jover

Javier Herrero Jover

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kirurġija plastika

Dr. Javier Herrero Jover is a famous plastic and reconstructive surgeon with over 35 years of clinical experience. He and his team apply the latest developments in plastic surgery at the Unit founded by Dr. Herrero.

Javier Nadal

Javier Nadal

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Ginecologja, Mediċina riproduttiva

Javier Nadal, MD, is a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at the San Pau Hospital of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Jorge-Carlos Espinos Perez

Jorge-Carlos Espinos Perez

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija

Specialist in digestive endoscopy at the Centro Médico Teknon. Founder and Coordinator of the Centro Médico Teknon Digestive Endoscopy Unit.

Vicente Paloma

Vicente Paloma

Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kirurġija plastika



Carrer de Vilana, 12, 08022 Barcelona, ​​Spain