Memorial Şişli Hospital għandu reputazzjoni prestiġjuża f'oqsma bħal kardjoloġija, kirurġija kardjovaskulari, trapjanti ta 'organi, IVF u ġenetika u jipprovdi servizzi ta' kura tas-saħħa ta 'kwalità għolja f'kull speċjalità medika.
Isptar Şişli jipprovdi servizzi ta' kura ta 'kwalità għolja skond l-istandards internazzjonali għall-pazjenti lokali u internazzjonali tagħha bit-53.000 metru kwadru ta 'żona koperta, 200 sodda, 10.000 metru kwadru ipparkjar b'kapaċità ta' 300 karozza, sistema awtomatizzata ċentrali, sistema ta 'appoġġ tal-pressjoni biex tikkontrolla t-temperatura u l-umdità, sistema ta' trasferiment ta 'tubi pnewmatiċi u 120 kamra tal-konferenzi tan-nies.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Gastroenteroloġija, Mardi infettivi
Prof. Yılmaz Çakaloğlu is an expert in gastroenterology and hepatology with over 30 years of experience. Prof. Çakaloğluthe heads the Liver Transplant Center and Gastroenterology & Hepatology Department at Memorial.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: L-onkoloġija, Trasplantoloġija
Professor Korai Adjarli is a specialist in the surgery of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts. Over 30 years of work, the doctor performed more than 1,200 liver transplant surgeries. He is currently accepting patients at the Memorial Clinic.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Ginecologja, Tfal
Prof. Kahraman is a top IVF specialist in Turkey. The first in Turkey performed microinjection, surgical sperm extraction, freezing techniques and preimplantation. Heads the IVF Department at Memorial Şişli Hospital.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Onkoloġija
Dr. Esra Kayatan Saglam is a radiation oncologist who performs tumor radiosurgery. From 2015 to the present, he is the head of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the Sisli Memorial Hospital in Istanbul.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: L-onkoloġija, Uroloġija
Dr. Murat Binbay, a specialist in robotic surgery, performs prostate and kidney surgery on the da Vinci robot.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Mediċina fisika u riabilitazzjoni
Dr. Engin Chakar is a rehabilitologist, a specialist in neurological rehabilitation. Performs the recovery using robotic installations.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Trasplantoloġija
Dr. Altan Alim is a specialist in kidney and liver transplant based in Turkey. It provides adult and pediatric transplantations.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Kardjoloġija, Kirurġija plastika
Professor Bingur Sonmez performed the first coronary artery bypass grafting in Turkey.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurosurġerja, Pedjatriċi
Dr. Gökalp Silav is a specialist in neurosurgery. Every year he performs about 400 operations on the brain and spinal cord for adults and children. In his work, the doctor uses modern neuronavigation facilities, such as Brainlab. They track the location of surgical instruments during the intervention, so the doctor performs the operation accurately, maintaining healthy tissue.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Uroloġija
Prof. Başar is a top urologist from Turkey. Prof. Mehmet Murad Başar is an export in urology and andrology, treats both children and adults.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Uroloġija
Dr. Serkan Keskin, an oncologist, specializes in targeted and immunotherapy.
Speċjalizzazzjoni: Neurologja, Neurosurġerja, Pedjatriċi
Dr. Sinan Çomu is an experienced Turkish neurologist with over 20 years of practice. Dr. Çomu follows American treatment approaches obtained him in the USA.