Motol Üniversite Hastanesi

Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti

Kliniğin açıklaması

Motol Hastanesi

- Poliklinik ve yatan hasta tedavisi, çocuk, yetişkin ve yaşlı hastaların tedavisi için temel, uzman ve uzmanlık gerektiren tıbbi bakım ve hizmetler sunar.

- Çek Cumhuriyeti'ndeki en büyük sağlık kurumu olan

- iki ayrı monoblok ve birkaç ayrı pavyondan oluşan hastanede, 2460 yatak bulunmaktadır. yıllık hastalar

- yatan hasta bölümlerinde yıllık 70 binden fazla hasta tedavi edilir

Ödüller ve Akreditasyonlar

Ek hizmetler

  • Araç kiralama Araç kiralama
  • Yerel ulaşım rezervasyonu Yerel ulaşım rezervasyonu
  • Rehabilitasyon Rehabilitasyon
  • Çeviri hizmetleri Çeviri hizmetleri

Tedavi maliyeti

Yoğun bakim tip
Bulaşici hastaliklar
Kulak, burun ve boğaz
Üreme tip
Kaza ve acil tip
Vasküler tip
Fiziksel tip ve rehabilitasyon
Baş ve boyun cerrahisi

Klinik Doktorlar


Irzhi Goh

Irzhi Goh

uzmanlaşma: Onkoloji, Onkoloji

Professor Jiri Goh - Head of the Surgical Department of the Motol Clinic since 1997. Passed certification on oncological surgery. Member of the Scientific Council of the University Hospital Motol, member of the Surgical Community of the Czech Republic, member of the International Surgical Community (ISS - International Society of Surgery). He is the author of more than 100 scientific articles, the author of several textbooks at the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, and is a teacher.

Irzhi Scrivan

Irzhi Scrivan

uzmanlaşma: Onkoloji, Kulak, burun ve boğaz

Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Surgeon Jiří Skrivan - Head of the ENT Department of the Motol University Hospital. Since 1984 - Member of the Czech Society of Otorhinolaryngology. He is a consulting surgeon in the field of otorhinolaryngology in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Russia. He travels to these countries as a consultant and operating surgeon. He teaches at the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and is the author of dozens of scientific publications. In 2016, he performed over 800 specialized operations, including septoplasty, adenotomy, tonsillectomy. He is engaged in the treatment of cancer and benign tumors.

Ian Stariy

Ian Stariy

uzmanlaşma: Onkoloji, Pediatri

Professor Jan Stary is the Head of the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at the Motol University Hospital. Chairman of the Pediatric Section of the Czech Oncology Community, Chairman of the Czech Community for Pediatric Hematology, member of the Scientific Committee of the Czech Republic. The author of more than 200 scientific papers on hematology.

Mihal Tihiy

Mihal Tihiy

uzmanlaşma: Nöroşirürji, Onkoloji

Professor Michal Tikhiy, academician, candidate of medical sciences - head of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University Hospital Motol, a member of the Czech Neurosurgical Community, conducts scientific and teaching activities, author of scientific articles and textbooks. In 2016, he performed over 300 neurosurgical interventions. He is also involved in the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms of the nervous system.

Vilem Ron

Vilem Ron

uzmanlaşma: Kardiyoloji, Onkoloji

Professor Willem Ron is Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Motol University Hospital. Certified specialist in the field of cardiac surgery. He teaches at the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, author of research papers and textbooks on cardiovascular surgery. In 2016, he performed 460 operations on the heart and large vessels.

Tomáš Trč

Tomáš Trč

uzmanlaşma: Ortopedi

Professor Tomasz Trč is one of the best orthopedic surgeons for hip replacement in Europe. Since 1997, Dr. Trch has been the head of the orthopedic department of the Motol University Hospital. He is chairman of the Czech National Community of Orthopedics and Traumatology.

Jaroslav Michalek

Jaroslav Michalek

uzmanlaşma: Nöroloji, Onkoloji, Ortopedi

Professor Michalek works in the field of oncological diseases, in particular, pediatric oncology. He is a reputable specialist in the treatment of cancer using stem cell transplantation.

Petr Marusich

Petr Marusich

uzmanlaşma: Nöroloji



Valu 84, 150 06’da