Athènes, Grèce

Le traitement proposé

Maladies infectieuses

Vue d'ensemble

P. Faliro Clinic was founded in 1991, aiming to meet the need for high-level medical services in the Southern Suburbs of Athens.

In 2002, the good response it received from the public and the ever increasing demand for quality health services in the greater area lead to the addition of a new wing and the creation of new diagnostic departments, supported by ultramodern high-tech laboratories, and staffed with highly expert medical personnel.

Currently extending over more than 4,500 sq.m., «Iatriko P. Falirou» Clinic is meeting in the most reliably way the threefold need for “prevention - diagnosis - treatment” expressed by residents of the Southern Suburbs, placing at their disposal experienced physicians who are leaders in their fields of expertise, specialized nursing staff of excellent training, and the latest generation of medical technology equipment.

The Clinic has fully equipped ambulances on stand-by, staffed with highly qualified crews, to transport patients to and from the Clinic on a 24-hour-a-day basis.

With functional building facilities, cutting-edge medical equipment, and specialized scientific personnel, «Iatriko P. Falirou» is a model Health Care Center, distinguished for its high quality of services provided, reliability, and exemplary patient care.

With a capacity of 84 hospital beds, «Iatriko P. Falirou» Clinic, is equipped with the most modern Biomedical Technology and an Adult Intensive Care Unit, with 8 beds.

In 2005, its ICU was certified to ISO 9001:2008 for the quality of services provided.

The ultramodern Clinic offers a very wide spectrum of medical services. A fully organized Outpatient Clinic covers all medical specialties, and is on stand-by 24 hours a day to operate as an Emergency Department.

Prix et accréditations


  • Servicios de Traducción Servicios de Traducción
  • Transfert aéroport Transfert aéroport
  • Réservation d'hôtel Réservation d'hôtel

Coût du traitement

Imagerie diagnostique
Médecine des soins intensifs
Maladies infectieuses
Médecine générale
Otorhino-laryngologie (orl)
Chirurgie plastique et esthétique
Traumatologie et médecine d'urgence
Médecine physique et réadaptation


36, Areos Str., 175 62 P. Faliro, Athens