JK Plastic Surgery Center

Séoul, Corée du Sud

Le traitement proposé

Chirurgie plastique et esthétique

Vue d'ensemble

Vue d'ensemble

JK Plastic a été fondé en 1998. Il s'agit d'un centre spécialisé dans la chirurgie plastique et esthétique ainsi que dans les traitements non chirurgicaux de premier ordre. Il est composé de quatre unités, chacune dédiée à un domaine médical spécifique : le Specialized Plastic Surgery Center (Centre de chirurgie plastique spécialisée), l'Esthetic Center (Centre esthétique), le Wellness and Rejuvenation Center (Centre de bien-être et de réjuvénation), et le Safe Anesthesia Center (Centre d'anesthésie sans risques).

Parmi les traitements les plus populaires proposés à JK Plastix figurent le remodelage du visage, les greffes de cheveux, l'augmentation mammaire et les soins anti-âge. Le centre est reconnu au niveau national et international : il a reçu le grand prix BMA de la santé mondiale et a été désigné par Gangnam-gu comme institution médicale supérieure pour les services aux patients internationaux.

La première et la seule clinique de chirurgie plastique à avoir reçu l'agrément de l'État.


La clinique est située à moins de 2 heures de l'aéroport d'Incheon et est facilement accessible en transports en commun, y compris en métro et en bus.

Séoul est un mélange très agréable du passé et du présent du pays, avec une foule de choses à faire et à voir. Insa-dong est un quartier calme au centre de Séoul. Il propose un voyage dans le temps, jusqu'à l'époque où les hommes montaient à cheval et les femmes portaient des hanbok. Les vendeurs de rue, les maisons en bois et les galeries qui bordent ses rues font de la visite d'Insa-dong un moment d'évasion tranquille dans une ville autrement très animée.

Séoul abrite plus de 100 musées différents. Le Musée national de Corée a été créé en 1945 et expose près de 250 000 objets. Le Musée national du Palais de Corée se trouve dans l'enceinte du Palais Gyeongbokgung, construit en 1395 par la dynastie Joseon. Il s'agit de l'un des cinq Grands Palais et est un must pour tous les touristes.

Langues parlées

Anglais, Chinois, Japonais, Coréen, Russe

Prix et accréditations


  • Servicios de Traducción Servicios de Traducción
  • Transfert aéroport Transfert aéroport
  • Réservation d'hôtel Réservation d'hôtel

Coût du traitement

Imagerie diagnostique
Otorhino-laryngologie (orl)
Chirurgie plastique et esthétique
Médecine respiratoire & pneumologie

Médecins de la clinique

The clinic is staffed by board-certified specialists in the field of plastic and esthestic surgery. The team has received years of training in various universities and hospitals across South Korea. They attend national and international medical conferences and are active members of various associations, including the Korean Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and the Korean Medical Association.

JK Plastic Surgery Center also offers a concierge service, with staff speaking English, Russian, Mongolian, Chinese, Japanese, and French.

Joo Kwon

Joo Kwon

Spécialisation: Chirurgie plastique et esthétique

Dr. Joo Kwon is Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who specializes in facial plastics. In 1998 he founded JK Plastic Surgery Center in Seoul, South Korea.

Dr. Joo Kwon graduated from the Korean Catholic University, the prestigious medical institution in the country. Since 1991 he has Korea Medical License and Certification of Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (1998).

Nowadays Doctor Kwon is:

  • Director of the Gangnam-gu Medical Tourism Association;
  • Director of Korea International Medical Association (KIMA);
  • Active member of the most authoritative associations on plastic surgery in the country (Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgeons; Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and Clinical Plastic Surgeons as well).

Kwon Soon-Hong

Kwon Soon-Hong

Spécialisation: Chirurgie plastique et esthétique

Doctor Kwon Soon-Hong works at the JK plastic surgery center in Seoul. He is an expert in such operations as:

  • Breast surgery;
  • Abdominoplasty and liposuction;
  • Lifting.


  • In 1998, he graduated from the Preparatory Medical College at the Catholic University of Korea;
  • In 2002, he completed a course of study at the Medical University College of Korea;
  • In 2003 he passed internship at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery;
  • In 2007, he completed residency in aesthetic surgery, and was qualified as a specialist of the highest category in the field of plastic surgery.

Membership in medical organizations

The doctor is in such specialized Korean societies as:

  • Community reconstructive and plastic surgery;
  • Association of Clinical Plastic Surgeons;
  • Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.

Bae Joon Sung

Bae Joon Sung

Spécialisation: Chirurgie plastique et esthétique

Plastic surgeon of the highest category, a specialist in liposuction, abdominoplasty and lifting.

Received medical education at the Catholic University of Korea:

  • 1997 - graduated from the College of Preparatory Medicine;
  • 2001 - completed a course of study at the Medical College of Medicine;
  • 2002 - completed the internship;
  • 2006 - completed residency in plastic and reconstructive surgery

He also completed an internship in plastic surgery and received a medical license from the Republic of Korea.

He also completed an internship in plastic surgery and received a medical license from the Republic of Korea.

Currently, Dr. Bae Joon Son is a member of the plastic surgeons team of the JK clinic, which is the best medical institution in South Korea for receiving foreign patients.

The doctor is a member of a number of Korean plastic surgery organizations:

  • Society of Craniofacial Plastic Surgery;
  • Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery;
  • Association of Clinical Plastic Surgeons;
  • Hand Surgery Society;
  • Society of burn injuries;
  • International Organization of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS).

Kim Sung Sik

Kim Sung Sik

Spécialisation: Chirurgie plastique et esthétique

She is a specialist of the highest category and is a member of the team of plastic surgeons of the plastic surgery center JK.

Areas of specialization:

  • craniofacial plastic surgery and reconstruction;
  • rhinoplasty of varying complexity;
  • eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty).


The doctor received a medical degree at the Catholic University in Seoul:

  • Preparatory Medical College;
  • Medical College; Higher Medical School;
  • Internship at the Department of Aesthetic Surgery;
  • Orientation of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Orientation of plastic and reconstructive surgery. In 2005, he was qualified as a specialist of the highest category and joined the Community of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Korea.

Membership in medical organizations

Membership in medical organizations Takes part in the work of various medical organizations operating in Korea:

  • Federation of Plastic Surgeons;
  • Community of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery;
  • Community of Craniofacial Surgery;
  • Korean Medical Association.


584-2, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu Seoul, South Korea