Consultation de pneumologie

De quoi dépend le coût du traitement?

Le coût du traitement est influencé par les facteurs suivants:

  • Technologies utilisées pour le traitement
  • Le diagnostic et la santé générale du patient
  • Spécialiste en qualification

Le complexe comprend plus de 100 cliniques et instituts distincts. Cela nous permet d'aider les patients.

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Consultation de pneumologie trouvé 29 résultat
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University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hambourg, Allemagne
Prix sur demande $
The Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) was founded in 1889 and is one of the leading research clinics in Germany as well as in Europe. The hospital treats 291,000 outpatients and 91,854 inpatients annually.
Anadolu Medical Center
Kocaeli, Turquie
Prix sur demande $
L'Anadolu Medical Center, fondé en 2005, est un hôpital multi-spécialités accrédité par la JCI, disposant de 268 lits. Ses champs de compétence clés sont l'oncologie (dont certaines sous-spécialités), la chirurgie cardio-vasculaire (adulte et pédiatrique), la greffe de moelle osseuse, la neurochirurgie et la santé des femmes (notamment la FIV).
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Medical Center)
Tel Aviv, Israël
Prix sur demande $
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, formerly known as Ichilov Medical Center, was re-named in honor of the Mexican philanthropist Elias Sourasky, whose investments were used for building the hospital.
Asan Medical Center
Séoul, Corée du Sud
Prix sur demande $
L'AMC est pourvu de 25 centres spécialisés incluant un centre de santé fœtale, un centre de chirurgie robotisée, un centre de traitement aux cellules souches ainsi qu'un centre de transplantation. L'hôpital prend en charge plus de 2 500 patients à l'interne et plus de 11 000 patients en clinique externe chaque année, et ce, à travers diverses spécialités.
Samsung Medical Center
Séoul, Corée du Sud
Prix sur demande $
It is considered one of the top hospitals in South Korea, renowned for its facilities and dedication to advanced and efficient care, including short waiting times.
Cha Bundang Medical Center
Séoul, Corée du Sud
Prix sur demande $
CHA Bundang Medical Center (CBMC) of CHA University, since it opened in 1995 as the first general hospital in a newly-established city, has truly grown into a leading hospital of CHA Medical Group with 1,000 beds for the past two decades.
Inha University Hospital
Incheon, Corée du Sud
Prix sur demande $
Inha University Hospital is the first university hospital in Incheon. The hospital was established in 1996 with 16 floors building and 804 beds and is now achieving "healthy society."
Nasaret International Hospital
Incheon, Corée du Sud
Prix sur demande $
Nasaret International Hospital, has 35 years of medical history following the Nasaret Oriental Hospital. It has established a one-stop examination system that provides professional examinations, emergency treatment, surgeries, and rehabilitation treatment that can all be received in one spot.
Acibadem Taksim
Istanbul, Turquie
Prix sur demande $
The Acibadem Taksim is a 24,000 sqm, JCI-accredited hospital. It forms part of the wider Acibadem Healthcare Group, the world's second largest healthcare chain, which meet global standards. The modern hospital has 99 beds and 6 operating theaters, with all rooms equipped with modular operating systems, ensuring there is a safe and efficient environment for patients.
Okan University Hospital
Istanbul, Turquie
Prix sur demande $
Okan University Hospital is one of the best hospitals in Turkey which consists of fully equipped general clinic, Okan University and research center. Medical complex occupies a territory of 50,000 square meters with 41 departments, 250 beds, 47 intensive care units, 10 operating theaters, 500 health workers and over 100 doctors with international recognition.