シャリテは、1710年に設立されたヨーロッパ全土で最も有名な大学病院です。ドイツで治療を選択する患者の大多数は、高い人気と高い評価のため、このクリニックを好みます。 外国人患者はシャリテの優先事項ではないため、他の国からの患者は、長期にわたる申請処理と外国人患者受け入れサービスの欠如に備える必要があります。
専門化: 腫瘍学
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Witt is the Head of the Department of Pulmonology at the Charite University Hospital. He is involved in the treatment of various acute and chronic lung diseases. Since 1998, Christian Witt is a professor of pulmonology at the Charite University Hospital.
専門化: 神経外科, 腫瘍学
Prof. Dr. Med. Peter Vajkoczy is among the best neurosurgeons in Germany. Heads the Department of Neurosurgery & Pediatric Neurosurgery at Charité.
専門化: 腫瘍学, 腫瘍学, 移植計画
Professor Prachke heads the Clinic for General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery at the Charite Clinic. He is one of the leading German specialists in transplantation and tumor surgery and also conducts research work in the field of organ transplantation and cancer treatment.