Il-fatturi li ġejjin jaffettwaw l-ispiża tat-trattament:
Il-kumpless jinkludi aktar minn 100 klinika u istitut individwali. Dan jippermettilna ngħinu lill-pazjenti.
Professor Glasner is one of top neurologists in Germany with over 50 years of experience.
Dr. Gerd Friedrich Westphal is among top facial plastic surgeons and recommended cosmetic surgeons in Germany.
Head of the Cardiology and General Medicine Center
During his career, he worked in leading German Clinics, including Charité, where he was the Head of the Melanoma Center (the largest dedicated center in Germany). In 2013 he co-founded Dermatologikum Berlin - the Clinic, specializes in Dermatology, Allergology and skin tumor treatment.