Trattament fi Bremen

X'inhu jiddetermina l-ispiża tat-trattament?

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  • Dijanjosi u saħħa ġenerali tal-pazjent
  • Kwalifika ta 'speċjalista

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Trattament fi Bremen sab 24 riżultat
Issortja skont
Onkoloġija 2 Il-pazjenti talbu opinjoni

Huseyin Bektas - Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Oncosurgeon. He is the author of numerous scientific publications. Member of the Association of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery. Teacher at the Hanover School of Medicine and Chief Physician of the Department of General, Visceral and Oncological Surgery at the Bremen-Mitte Hospital.

Onkoloġija 1 Il-pazjenti talbu opinjoni

Professor Jorg Groticke is the Chief Physician of the Oncology and Hematology Center in Bremen Mitte Hospital. The Doctor specializes in the treatment of hematological malignancies and gastrointestinal tract tumors.

Neurosurġerja,  Onkoloġija 1 Il-pazjenti talbu opinjoni

Dr. Neubauer holds the position of Director of Neurosurgery in the Bremen-Mitte Clinic.

Professor Johann Okenega - Head Physician, Department of Gastroenterology, Bremen-Mitte Clinic.

Dr. med. Mustafa Aydogdu - Director of the Clinic of Gynecology, Oncogynecology and Senology. Head of the Breast and Gynecological Cancer Center at Bremen-Mitte.

Member of the leadership of the commission "auricle surgery" of the German Society of ENT medicine, neck and head surgery; Member of the Board of the Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the head and neck; Chairman of the Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the head and neck.

Prof. Sebastian Melchior is the chief physician, head of the urology and nephrology clinic. Specializes in robotic surgery. The doctor was included in the list of the best urologists of Germany according to Focus magazine in 2015. Dr. Melchior has over 20 years of practical experience in tumor surgery.