Trattament fi Dusseldorf

X'inhu jiddetermina l-ispiża tat-trattament?

Il-fatturi li ġejjin jaffettwaw l-ispiża tat-trattament:

  • Teknoloġiji użati għat-trattament
  • Dijanjosi u saħħa ġenerali tal-pazjent
  • Kwalifika ta 'speċjalista

Il-kumpless jinkludi aktar minn 100 klinika u istitut individwali. Dan jippermettilna ngħinu lill-pazjenti.

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Trattament fi Dusseldorf sab 12 riżultat
Issortja skont
Ortopediċi 1 Il-pazjenti talbu opinjoni

Dr. Payonk is the head of the orthopedics department at the PRADUS center, a specialist in sports medicine and acupuncture.

Dr. Biskup is a geneticist, a specialist in the diagnosis of tumors, neurodegenerative diseases.

Dr. Moriyama - Head of the Department of Immunology at the PRADUS Center, a gynecologist.

Kirurġija barjatrika,  Endocrinology 1 Il-pazjenti talbu opinjoni

Dr. Schlensak is the Chief Physician at St. Martinus-Krankenhaus. He is ranked among the best weight loss surgeons in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Focus, the most prestigious magazine in Germany, also recognized him as one of the best bariatric surgeons.

Dr. Mahdi Rezai is one of the best breast specialists in Germany. Founder of the West German Study Group Breast Cancer. Honored with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.