behandeling in Gurgaon

Wat bepaalt de behandelingskosten?

De volgende factoren beïnvloeden de behandelingskosten:

  • Gebruikte technologieën voor behandeling
  • Diagnose en algemene gezondheid van de patiënt
  • Kwalificatie van een specialist

Het complex omvat meer dan 100 individuele klinieken en instituten. Hiermee kunnen we patiënten helpen.

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behandeling in Gurgaon gevonden 42 null
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Dr. Gupta is one of the most experienced and honored neurosurgeons in India (he is awarded Sir Dorabji Tata Award, Best Research Paper Award, Chief of Army Staff Award).

Dr. Shalabh Agrawal works on a team of urologists headed by Professor Kotwal, who has over 30 years of experience in urology.

Dr. Gaurav Harja is a pediatric hematologist, immunologist and oncologist. Gaurav Harya specializes in bone marrow transplantation.

Specialist in coronary artery bypass grafting, plasty, and valve replacement. On the account of Mahadev Diksit, 20,000 heart operations, 4,000 of which were performed on children.

Head of the Department of Neurology. He specializes in treating epilepsy and Parkinson's disease with deep brain stimulation.