behandeling in Spanje

Wat bepaalt de behandelingskosten?

De volgende factoren beïnvloeden de behandelingskosten:

  • Gebruikte technologieën voor behandeling
  • Diagnose en algemene gezondheid van de patiënt
  • Kwalificatie van een specialist

Het complex omvat meer dan 100 individuele klinieken en instituten. Hiermee kunnen we patiënten helpen.

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behandeling in Spanje gevonden 56 null
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Oncologie 1 Patiënten vroegen om een mening

Dr. Antonio de Lacy Fortuny is an oncosurgeon with 36 years of experience. The doctor specializes in rectal and colon cancer treatment, bariatric surgery, esophageal cancer treatment. The surgeon has performed over 15,000 surgical procedures. Dr. de Lacy performs over 1,000 interventions a year using minimally invasive techniques (laparoscopic and robotic surgeries).

Pablo Clavel - one of the leading spinal surgeons in Spain. Specializes in the surgical treatment of herniated discs.

Oncologie 1 Patiënten vroegen om een mening

Dr. Carmen Martinez Chamorro, an oncohematologist, treats leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Adult bone marrow transplant specialist.

Dr. Luis Madero is a pediatric oncohematologist, head of the department of pediatric hematology.

Petro di Mauro is a plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon.

Bartolomé Oliver
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Bartolome Oliver is a top-rated neurologist from Spain. Heads the Neurosurgical Department at the Teknon Clinic. Dr. Bartolome has been practicing since 1979. Dr. Oliver performs microsurgical operations through small incisions under a microscope. The physician also utilizes apparatuses of non-invasive radiosurgery. Dr. Bartolome Oliver performs more than 200 operations annually.

Dr. Oliver received an education at the University of Barcelona. He completed residency training in the National Neurosurgical Service. The doctor was trained in hospitals in Stockholm (Sweden), Zurich (Switzerland), Montreal (Canada), St. Louis (the USA), and Pittsburgh (the USA). Dr. Oliver worked in the largest Spanish hospitals - São Paulo, Olivera Ayat, Teknon.

Antonio Russi
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2 Patiënten vroegen om een mening

Prof. Antonio Russi is recognized as a world-famous neurologist and the best epileptologist in Spain. The Doctor specializes in non-surgical therapy of severe and rare epilepsy stages. He helps children and adults to get rid of seizures for good. Prof. Antonio Russi is an apparent expert in epilepsy diagnosing and choosing the most appropriate drugs in each particular case. Medication therapy helps patients in 70% of cases.

Prof. Russi is included in the ranking of Top 100 Spanish doctors by the Forbes magazine.

Ferran Montserrat
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Dr. Ferrand Montserrat is one of the leading orthopedic surgeons in Spain, chairman of the training center of the European Federation of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Teknon Medical Center.

Mercedes Pineda Marfa
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Neurologie 3 Patiënten vroegen om een mening

41 years of experience