behandeling in Ankara

Wat bepaalt de behandelingskosten?

De volgende factoren beïnvloeden de behandelingskosten:

  • Gebruikte technologieën voor behandeling
  • Diagnose en algemene gezondheid van de patiënt
  • Kwalificatie van een specialist

Het complex omvat meer dan 100 individuele klinieken en instituten. Hiermee kunnen we patiënten helpen.

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behandeling in Ankara gevonden 9 null
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Dr. Cansu Uzun is a pediatric dentist. Membership in organizations: Association of Turkish Pedodontics; International Association of Pediatrics; Turkish Dental Association.

Jade Cana Dursun - dentist, periodontist, a specialist in sinus lifting and implantology. Membership in organizations: Turkish Organization of Periodontists; American Academy of Osteointegration; European Federation of Periodontology; Turkish Dental Association.

Gyuzin Kirsachlyoglu is a specialist in general and aesthetic dentistry. The doctor carries out implantation, dental and gum treatment, design of a smile. Membership in organizations: Turkish Dental Association; European Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry; American Dental Association; American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry; European Association for Osseointegration.