tedavi Bulaşici hastaliklar

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The cost of treatment is affected by the following factors:

  • Used technologies for treatment
  • Diagnosis and general health of the patient
  • Qualification of a specialist

The complex includes more than 100 individual clinics and institutes. This allows us to help patients.

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tedavi Bulaşici hastaliklar bulunan 3 neden
Göre sırala

Professor Siegbert Rossol is the Head Physician at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Nordwest Clinic. Dr. Rossol is a recognized expert of the German Digestive Society and a permanent consultant to the Hessen Health television program. In addition, Professor Rossol is engaged in teaching.

Gastroenter,  Bulaşici hastaliklar 2 Hastalar görüş istedi

Prof. Yılmaz Çakaloğlu is an expert in gastroenterology and hepatology with over 30 years of experience. Prof. Çakaloğluthe heads the Liver Transplant Center and Gastroenterology & Hepatology Department at Memorial.

Ramesh S. is an immunologist, specializes in HIV therapy, treatment of infectious diseases.