tedavi Nöroşirürji

tedavi Nöroşirürji

Beyin, omurilik ve periferik sinir sistemi dahil olmak üzere sinir sistemi hastalıklarının cerrahi tedavisi ile ilgilenen bir cerrahi bölümdür.
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tedavi Nöroşirürji bulunan 41 neden
Göre sırala
  • Neurosurgery Consultant at Primus Super Specialty Hospital
  • Graduated from MGM Medical College in Jamshedpur with an MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine/Surgery)
  • Graduated from SN Medical College in Agra with a degree in general surgery
  • Graduated from Sir Gangaram Hospital in New Delhi with a DNB (Diplomate of National Board) in neurosurgery
  • Certified by the ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) in 1993
  • Published research work on Myxopapillary Ependymoma in the Indian Journal of pathology and Microbiology, and research work on the Osteoblastoma of dorsal vertebrae in the Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology
  • Member of the Neurological Society of India, the Neurological Surgeons Society of India, and the Indian Medical Association

Nöroşirürji 1 Hastalar görüş istedi
  • Specializes in neurosurgery and microsurgery
  • Known for his research on nerve regeneration and nerve transplantation
  • Currently conducting research on the influence of low power laser irradiation on severely injured peripheral nerves, brachial plexus, cauda equina and spinal cord

  • Neurosurgeon
  • Has studied in Germany and Turkey
  • Member of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, the European Spine Foundation, the European Spine Society, and more
  • Fluent in English and German
  • Graduated from GATA Medical School

Dr. Gupta is one of the most experienced and honored neurosurgeons in India (he is awarded Sir Dorabji Tata Award, Best Research Paper Award, Chief of Army Staff Award).

Nöroloji,  Nöroşirürji 1 Hastalar görüş istedi

Dr. Sridhar Krishnamurthy is an Indian neurosurgeon with 33 years of professional experience, international training, own treatment methods and dozens of scientific publications and public speakings.

Pablo Clavel - one of the leading spinal surgeons in Spain. Specializes in the surgical treatment of herniated discs.