M.Iashvili Children’s Central Hospital

تبليسي, جورجيا

وصف العيادة

M.Iashvili Children’s Central Hospital is a multiprofile pediatric medical establishment, where patients from age 0-18 with any diagnose can be hospitalized and undergo treatment. Currently 310 patients can undergo treatment at the same time. The hospital has got strategy that is well tested in leading clinics of Europe and USA that is based on provision of three level medical services.

  • First – ambulatory department, where patients can get ambulatory consultation of specialists of any profile;
  • second – emergency department, designed for 18 beds, where we offer medical services to our patients with principle of “one day hospital”;
  • third – inpatient department, which provides the best multiprofile medical services in Georgia.

In 2015 Children’s cardio surgery center was established in the hospital, where cardio surgery operations of all complexity can be conducted.

  • Date of opening: 1965
  • Total number of hospital beds: 266
  • Number of employees: 947

الجوائز والاعتمادات

خدمات إضافية

  • خدمات الترجمة خدمات الترجمة

تكلفة العلاج

أدوية التخدير
التصوير التشخيصي
طب القلب
جراحة الاعصاب
حديثي الولادة
علم الأورام
طب العظام
طب الأطفال
طب التكاثر
طب الطوارئ والحوادث
جراحة المسالك البولية


2/6, Lubliana str., Tbilisi, Georgia