مستشفى أسكليبيوس ، بارمبيك

هامبورغ, ألمانيا

وصف العيادة

يتخصص Asklepios Barmbek في علاج الأورام وأمراض الأورام والجراحة وأمراض الرئة. يحصل 80،000 مريض من ألمانيا ودول أخرى في جميع أنحاء العالم على العلاج سنويًا.

الجوائز والاعتمادات

خدمات إضافية

  • مطار بيك اب مطار بيك اب
  • تأجير السيارات تأجير السيارات
  • حجز النقل المحلي حجز النقل المحلي
  • غرف خاصة للمرضى المتاحة غرف خاصة للمرضى المتاحة
  • خدمات الترجمة خدمات الترجمة

تكلفة العلاج

الجراحة العامة
علم الأورام
الطب الرئوي والجهاز التنفسي

أطباء العيادة

كبار الأطباء الألمان. يتم تضمين أطباء Asklepios Barmbek بانتظام في قائمة أفضل 100 من أفضل المتخصصين الألمان وفقا لمجلة Focus ، الطبعة الطبية الأكثر موثوقية في ألمانيا.

Axel Hillmann

Axel Hillmann

تخصص: علم الأورام, طب العظام

Axel Hillmann is a Head of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology and a leading specialist at the Center for Sarcoma and Musculoskeletal Tumors.

Axel Stang

Axel Stang

تخصص: علم الأورام

Oncologist, Onco-Hematologist Axel Stang is a professor, Head Physician of Asklepios Clinic, specializes in internal medicine, oncology, and hematology.

Klaus D. Diemel

Klaus D. Diemel

تخصص: علم الأورام

Klaus D. Diemel is a Head of the Thoracic Surgery Department at Asklepios Clinic. Fellow of the European Board of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons (FETCS).

Peter Paul Urban

Peter Paul Urban

تخصص: علم الأعصاب

Dr. Urban is among best rated neurologists based in Germany who has over 25 years of experience. Heads the Neurology Department at Asklepios Clinic.

Veit Becker

Veit Becker

تخصص: علم الأعصاب

Dr. Becker is among leading neurologists in Germany. Dr. Veit Becker specializes in treatment of headache, migraine, stroke, vascular diseases, and multiple sclerosis.

Jorn Halberstadt

Jorn Halberstadt

تخصص: الجراحة العامة, علم الأورام, جراحة الصدر

Head of the Thoracic Surgery Department

Andreas Gross

Andreas Gross

تخصص: علم الأورام, جراحة المسالك البولية

Prof. Andreas Gross is a Chief Physician of the Urology Department in Barmbek Asklepios Hospital. He is a TOP German urologist specialized in the treatment of prostate cancer, bladder cancer, renal cancer, testicular cancer, benign enlargement of the prostate, urinary calculi, etc. The Doctor was recognized as one of the leading specialists in Germany in the field of urology and nephrology.

Agoritsa Stergiou-Tsaroucha

Agoritsa Stergiou-Tsaroucha

تخصص: طب النساء, علم الأورام, طب التكاثر

Specialist in minimally invasive surgery - treatment of uterine myomas, ovarian diseases and prolapse of pelvic organs. Conducts a hysterectomy. Provides treatment of organs of female reproductive system.

Thomas Mansfeld

Thomas Mansfeld

تخصص: علم الأورام

Dr. Thomas Mansfeld Specialist in General & Abdominal Surgery, Coloproctology with expertise is in laparoscopic surgery (“keyhole surgery”). He is the Senior Consultant of the “Gastrointestinal Medicine: General and Abdominal Surgery – Gastroenterology and Endoscopy” Department at the Asklepios Clinic.

Thomas Carus

Thomas Carus

تخصص: جراحة لعلاج البدانة, علم الغدد

Thomas Carus is one of the most experienced and respected surgeons in Germany. The professor heads the Department of Visceral Surgery, as well as the Department of Weight Loss Surgery.

Johann Pichl

Johann Pichl

تخصص: طب العظام

Orthopedist-Traumatologist, a specialist in endoprosthetic and sports medicine. 29 years of experience.

Henrik Becker

Henrik Becker

تخصص: علم الأورام, الطب الرئوي والجهاز التنفسي

Heinrich Becker has been involved in the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases for over 25 years. Over the years, he held the positions of senior doctor and head of the department. Professor Becker has published over 60 scientific papers. The subject of his scientific interest is the study of respiratory pathologies, as well as innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Ulrich Schaudig

Ulrich Schaudig

تخصص: طب العيون

Dr. Ulrich Schaudig is a Chief Physician of the Ophthalmology Department in Asklepios Clinic. The Doctor specializes in the corneal transplant and glaucoma, cataract treatment. Over 21 years of experience in the eyes treatment in adults and children.

Antje-Katrin Hofele

Antje-Katrin Hofele

تخصص: طب النساء, علم الأورام

Senior Physician at Brest Cancer Center. Gynecologist. Gynecological oncology specialist.

Juergen Faiss

Juergen Faiss

تخصص: علم الأعصاب

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, a specialist in neurology

Karl J. Oldhafer

Karl J. Oldhafer

تخصص: علم الأورام

Prof. Dr. med. Karl J. Oldhafer is the Senior Consultant of the Department of General and Abdominal Surgery and Surgical Oncology at the Abdominal Medical Centre of the Asklepios Clinic. As a specialist in hepatic surgery, Prof. Oldhafer heads a Centre for Liver Diseases, where complicated surgery is also performed on the liver. He works together with specialists in the field of oncology, gastroenterology, and radiology.

Stefan Schreiber

Stefan Schreiber

تخصص: علم الأعصاب

Leading physician, a specialist in neurology

Thomas Verse

Thomas Verse

تخصص: علم الأورام

Chief physician of the Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Department

Gerhard Gebauer

Gerhard Gebauer

تخصص: طب النساء, علم الأورام

Professor Gerhard Gebauer is the Head of the Gynecology Department in the clinic Asklepios Barmbek. He is also the Head of the specialized center for breast cancer treatment.

Bodo Lippitz

Bodo Lippitz

تخصص: جراحة الاعصاب

Prof. Dr. med. Bodo Lippitz is a specialist in the Gamma Knife treatment of benign and malignant brain tumors and of arterio-venous malformations.

Norbert Schmitz

Norbert Schmitz

تخصص: علم الأورام

Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Schmitz. Head of the Department of Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation.

Petra Reemts

Petra Reemts

تخصص: طب النساء, علم الأورام

Chief Physician of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department


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