Consulta de cirugía maxilofacial

De qué depende el costo del tratamiento?

El costo del tratamiento está influenciado por los siguientes factores:

  • Tecnologías utilizadas para el tratamiento.
  • El diagnóstico y salud general del paciente.
  • Especialista en cualificación

El complejo incluye más de 100 clínicas e institutos separados. Esto nos permite ayudar a los pacientes.

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Consulta de cirugía maxilofacial encontrado 183 resultado
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University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hamburgo, Alemania
Precio de la consulta $
The Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) was founded in 1889 and is one of the leading research clinics in Germany as well as in Europe. The hospital treats 291,000 outpatients and 91,854 inpatients annually.
Anadolu Medical Center
Kocaeli, Turquía
Precio de la consulta $
The Anadolu Medical Center, established in 2005, is a JCI-accredited multispecialty hospital with 268 patient beds. Its core competencies are in oncology (including sub-specialties), cardiovascular surgery (adult and pediatric), bone marrow transplants, neurosurgery, and women’s health (including IVF).
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Medical Center)
Tel Aviv, Israel
Precio de la consulta $
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, formerly known as Ichilov Medical Center, was re-named in honor of the Mexican philanthropist Elias Sourasky, whose investments were used for building the hospital.
Samsung Medical Center
Seul, Corea del Sur
Precio de la consulta $
It is considered one of the top hospitals in South Korea, renowned for its facilities and dedication to advanced and efficient care, including short waiting times.
Acibadem Taksim
Estambul, Turquía
Precio de la consulta $
The Acibadem Taksim is a 24,000 sqm, JCI-accredited hospital. It forms part of the wider Acibadem Healthcare Group, the world's second largest healthcare chain, which meet global standards. The modern hospital has 99 beds and 6 operating theaters, with all rooms equipped with modular operating systems, ensuring there is a safe and efficient environment for patients.
Hadassah Medical Center
Jerusalén, Israel
Precio de la consulta $
Hadassah Ein Kerem is a tertiary hospital that was established in 1961 and has more than 800 beds and 130 departments, which includes oncology, bone marrow transplantation, pediatric medicine, and an emergency department. Some of Hadassah's departments are the only ones of its kind in Jerusalem, such as the neurosurgery, or in Israel, such as the Heart Institute, the multidisciplinary diagnostic breast center and the center for brain diseases.
La Clinique de l'Infirmerie Protestante
Lyon, Francia
Precio de la consulta $
La Clinique de l'Infirmerie Protestante was founded in 1844 and has over 30 medical specialties, including departments in cardiovascular surgery, visceral surgery, oncology, orthopedic surgery, ENT, and urological surgery. The hospital made many notable advancements in 2015, including introducing robotic-assisted surgery, and opening a dedicated thoracic pain unit.
Heidelberg University Hospital
Heidelberg, Alemania
Precio de la consulta $
Heidelberg University Hospital is one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in both Germany and Europe today. The hospital treats approximately 1 million outpatients and 65,000 inpatients each year.
Quirón Teknon Hospital (Barcelona)
Barcelona, España
Precio de la consulta $
El campus del hospital abarca 5.946 m² y ofrece 211 habitaciones para pacientes, 19 suites y 10 incubadoras. Hay 20 quirófanos, dentro de los cuales se realizan 22.000 procedimientos quirúrgicos al año.
Hospital Internacional de Bumrungrad
Bangkok, Tailandia
Precio de la consulta $
El prestigioso Hospital Bumrungrad está acreditado por la JCI y atiende a 1,1 millones de pacientes al año, incluidos 520.000 pacientes internacionales.