
De qué depende el costo del tratamiento?

El costo del tratamiento está influenciado por los siguientes factores:

  • Tecnologías utilizadas para el tratamiento.
  • El diagnóstico y salud general del paciente.
  • Especialista en cualificación

El complejo incluye más de 100 clínicas e institutos separados. Esto nos permite ayudar a los pacientes.

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Neonatología encontrado 58 resultado
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University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hamburgo, Alemania
Precio de la consulta $
The Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) was founded in 1889 and is one of the leading research clinics in Germany as well as in Europe. The hospital treats 291,000 outpatients and 91,854 inpatients annually.
Anadolu Medical Center
Kocaeli, Turquía
Precio de la consulta $
The Anadolu Medical Center, established in 2005, is a JCI-accredited multispecialty hospital with 268 patient beds. Its core competencies are in oncology (including sub-specialties), cardiovascular surgery (adult and pediatric), bone marrow transplants, neurosurgery, and women’s health (including IVF).
Samsung Medical Center
Seul, Corea del Sur
Precio de la consulta $
It is considered one of the top hospitals in South Korea, renowned for its facilities and dedication to advanced and efficient care, including short waiting times.
Cha Bundang Medical Center
Seul, Corea del Sur
Precio de la consulta $
CHA Bundang Medical Center (CBMC) of CHA University, since it opened in 1995 as the first general hospital in a newly-established city, has truly grown into a leading hospital of CHA Medical Group with 1,000 beds for the past two decades.
Acibadem Taksim
Estambul, Turquía
Precio de la consulta $
The Acibadem Taksim is a 24,000 sqm, JCI-accredited hospital. It forms part of the wider Acibadem Healthcare Group, the world's second largest healthcare chain, which meet global standards. The modern hospital has 99 beds and 6 operating theaters, with all rooms equipped with modular operating systems, ensuring there is a safe and efficient environment for patients.
M.Iashvili Children’s Central Hospital
Tiflis, Georgia
Precio de la consulta $
M.Iashvili Children’s Central Hospital is a multiprofile pediatric medical establishment, where patients from age 0-18 with any diagnose can be hospitalized and undergo treatment. Currently 310 patients can undergo treatment at the same time. The hospital has got strategy that is well tested in leading clinics of Europe and USA that is based on provision of three level medical services.
Children's New Clinic
Tiflis, Georgia
Precio de la consulta $
Multiprofile medical center “I.Tsitsishvili Children’s New Clinic” provides patients with ambulatory and inpatient services of modern standards. Modern fully equipped reanimation unit gives opportunity of constant monitoring of life parameters of patients in heavy conditions.
Zugdidi Referral Hospital
Zugdidi, Georgia
Precio de la consulta $
Zugdidi Referral Hospital is “Evex Medical Corporation’s” largest hospital in Samegrelo region which offers multiprofile and complete medical services to the population of the region.
Martvili Hospital
Martvili, Georgia
Precio de la consulta $
Martvili Hospital is “Evex Medical Corporation” network’s hospital which serves 65-70 inpatients per month. 700 patients use emergency ambulatory services; 700-800 patients use ambulatory and diagnostic services monthly.