Leczenie Neurologia

Leczenie Neurologia

Neuropatia to grupa biomedycznych dyscyplin naukowych, które badają układ nerwowy zarówno w normie, jak i w patologii.
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Leczenie Neurologia znaleziono 45 wynik
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Neurologia,  Onkologia 2 Pacjenci poprosili o opinię

Professor Tamir Ben-Hur directs the neurological department.

The professor graduated from the University of Jerusalem in 1988 and since then his career has been developing within the walls of the Haddass University Hospital.

Professional interests include multiple sclerosis, childhood cancer, retinoblastoma and histiocytosis. He is actively engaged in research on neuroimmunology, neurobiology, in particular stem cell formation, with the aim of studying what he did an internship in Paris.

Dr. Gupta is one of the most experienced and honored neurosurgeons in India (he is awarded Sir Dorabji Tata Award, Best Research Paper Award, Chief of Army Staff Award).

Neurologia,  Neurochirurgia 1 Pacjenci poprosili o opinię

Dr. Sridhar Krishnamurthy is an Indian neurosurgeon with 33 years of professional experience, international training, own treatment methods and dozens of scientific publications and public speakings.

Head of the Department of Neurology. He specializes in treating epilepsy and Parkinson's disease with deep brain stimulation.

Dr. Urban is among best rated neurologists based in Germany who has over 25 years of experience. Heads the Neurology Department at Asklepios Clinic.

Dr. Becker is among leading neurologists in Germany. Dr. Veit Becker specializes in treatment of headache, migraine, stroke, vascular diseases, and multiple sclerosis.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, a specialist in neurology