Itọju ninu Duisburg

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  • Awọn imọ-ẹrọ ti a lo fun itọju
  • Ṣiṣayẹwo ati ilera gbogbogbo alaisan
  • Ifọwọsi ti ogbontarigi pataki

Awọn eka naa pẹlu diẹ sii ju awọn ile iwosan alailẹgbẹ 100 ati awọn ibi-ẹkọ lọ. Eyi gba wa laaye lati ṣe iranlọwọ fun awọn alaisan.

Fihan diẹ sii ...
Itọju ninu Duisburg ri 4 esi
Too pelu
Gynecology,  Obara 1 Awọn alaisan beere fun imọran

Dr. Harald Krentel is the head of the obstetrics and gynecology clinic.

Professor Jan Fichtner is the head of the urology clinic, one of the best specialists in Germany in urological operations and the treatment of benign prostate diseases according to Focus.

Ogun iku 1 Awọn alaisan beere fun imọran

Professor Jörg Hanschel is the head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with 20 years of experience.