Itọju ninu Jeju

Kini o pinnu idiyele ti itọju?

Awọn okunfa wọnyi ni ipa idiyele idiyele itọju:

  • Awọn imọ-ẹrọ ti a lo fun itọju
  • Ṣiṣayẹwo ati ilera gbogbogbo alaisan
  • Ifọwọsi ti ogbontarigi pataki

Awọn eka naa pẹlu diẹ sii ju awọn ile iwosan alailẹgbẹ 100 ati awọn ibi-ẹkọ lọ. Eyi gba wa laaye lati ṣe iranlọwọ fun awọn alaisan.

Fihan diẹ sii ...
Itọju ninu Jeju ri 1 esi
Too pelu
Cheju Halla General Hospital
Jeju, Kòréà Gúúsù
Iye lori ibeere $
Cheju Halla General Hospital, a non-profit medical corporation, was founded on October 30, 1983 and has been running to improve local health care and enhance welfare of the society under the precept of "Imyoung Amyoung" which means "to treat patients' life and health as our body."