
柏林, 德國





ISO 9001成立於2006年柏林Sporthopaedicum認證的專業治療所有關節疾病和傷害,並且是德國范圍內臨床網絡的一部分。它只採用訓練有素,經驗最豐富的運動醫學,骨科醫師,經常被《 FOCUS》雜誌列為德國“最佳骨科醫師”。





體育草位於市中心(距泰格爾國際機場僅5公里),可通過公共交通工具或出租車。搭乘地鐵即可輕鬆到達(U2或U7線上的U-Bahn Bismarckstrasse站。)






  • 在線醫生諮詢 在線醫生諮詢
  • 復原 復原
  • 翻譯服務 翻譯服務
  • 機場接機 機場接機
  • 當地交通預訂 當地交通預訂
  • 訂酒店 訂酒店
  • 機票預訂 機票預訂
  • 當地旅遊選擇 當地旅遊選擇
  • 團體住宿特別優惠 團體住宿特別優惠
  • 免費WiFi 免費WiFi
  • 接受特殊飲食要求 接受特殊飲食要求
  • 可供患者使用的私人房間 可供患者使用的私人房間
  • 苗圃/保姆服務 苗圃/保姆服務
  • 藥店 藥店
  • 行動不便專用房間 行動不便專用房間





Sporthopaedicum的團隊包括 許多具有多年診斷和培訓經驗的醫生 治療經驗,包括Sven Scheffler博士(醫學博士), 著名的膝蓋外科醫生被2016年評為德國最佳膝蓋外科醫生 聚焦雜誌。

該中心還設有專門的國際 部門,根據需要提供量身定制的服務 國際患者。醫院工作人員說德語,英語,俄語, 和土耳其語,可應要求提供口譯服務。


Доктор Sven Scheffler, MD, PhD

Доктор Sven Scheffler, MD, PhD

專業化: 骨科

  • Specializes in knee arthroscopy and sports medicine, with a particular expertise in cruciate ligament reconstruction, meniscus and cartilage repair, and correction of joint alignment
  • Graduated from Charité Medical University in Berlin
  • Fellowships include Harvard Medical School, Pittsburgh University, Steadman Hawkins Clinic, and biannual ESSKA-APKASS Asian Traveling Fellowship
  • Won several international awards, including the Richard O´Conner Award from the Arthroscopy Association of North America
  • Listed in FOCUS Magazine's "Best Knee Surgeon" in Germany 2016

Доктор Arno Schmeling, MD

Доктор Arno Schmeling, MD

專業化: 骨科

  • Specializes in knee arthroscopy and sports medicine, with a particular expertise in treatment of patella-femoral problems and the repair of cruciate ligaments
  • Graduated from Charité Medical University in Berlin
  • Recipient of the Ferdinand-Sauerbruch Research Prize from the Berlin Surgical Society
  • Frequently invited speaker at national and international scientific medical conferences

Доктор Frank Schneider, MD

Доктор Frank Schneider, MD

專業化: 骨科

  • Specializes in hip, knee, and shoulder joint replacement
  • Particular expertise in the degenerative changes of the major joints and in shoulder arthroscopy
  • Graduated from Charité Medical University in Berlin

Доктор Michael Wagner, MD

Доктор Michael Wagner, MD

專業化: 骨科

  • Specializes in knee arthroscopy and sports medicine
  • Graduated from Charité Medical University in Berlin
  • Particular expertise in the reconstructive surgery of the knee joint
  • Frequently invited instructor at national and international scientific medical conferences

Профессор Andreas Weiler, MD, PhD

Профессор Andreas Weiler, MD, PhD

專業化: 骨科

  • Specializes in knee arthroscopy and sports medicine, with a particular expertise in ligament and meniscus reconstructions and hip arthroscopy
  • Graduated from Charité Medical University in Berlin
  • Recipient of several international awards, including Excellence in Research Award from American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
  • Listed in FOCUS Magazine's "Best Knee Surgeon" in Germany 2016

Доктор Olaf Lorbach, MD, PhD

Доктор Olaf Lorbach, MD, PhD

專業化: 骨科

  • Specializes in shoulder and hip arthroscopy and sports medicine, with particular expertise in treatment of ligamentous injuries of the shoulder, joint instability and arthritis
  • Core specialties are shoulder replacement procedures and hip arthroscopy
  • Won several international awards, including the Richard O´Conner Award by Arthroscopy Association of North America
  • Author and reviewer of several renowned scientific journals

