治療 外傷學



  • 使用的治療技術
  • 患者的診斷和總體健康
  • 專科醫生的資格

    該綜合大樓包括100多家個體診所和機構。 這使我們可以幫助患者。

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治療 外傷學 發現 244 結果
Hamburg, 德國
價格要求 $
LIV醫院集團由土耳其多專業醫院組成,其中包括安卡拉LIV醫院和伊斯坦布爾LIV醫院(烏魯斯)兩個部門。兩家都是擁有全球所有醫療技術的新一代智能醫院:達芬奇機器人輔助手術系統,MAKOplasty膝關節置換,YAG Laser血管外科手術,虛擬血管造影用於心臟診斷等。2016年在所有土耳其醫院中,LIV醫院的成功率最高。三個LIV中心被授予卓越中心的稱號。
Medicana Groups of Hospitals是一家大型醫療組織,遵循世界的治療標準。它包括12個現代化診所,並僱用3500多名醫務人員。所有醫院都擁有高科技設備,護理人員和經驗豐富的醫務人員。 Medicana醫院符合土耳其衛生部和國際聯合委員會(JCI)的質量和服務標準。
M.Iashvili Children’s Central Hospital
M.Iashvili Children’s Central Hospital is a multiprofile pediatric medical establishment, where patients from age 0-18 with any diagnose can be hospitalized and undergo treatment. Currently 310 patients can undergo treatment at the same time. The hospital has got strategy that is well tested in leading clinics of Europe and USA that is based on provision of three level medical services.
West Georgia Medical Center
West Georgia Referral Hospital is the largest hospital of “Evex Medical Corporation” network that serves more than 1200 inpatients and up to 10000 outpatients monthly, up to 600 surgical interventions are performed.
Kutaisi Referral Hospital
Kutaisi Referral Hospital is one of the hospitals of “Evex Medical Corporation”, it has the largest Emergency and Reanimation Departments in whole West Georgia. It is equipped with 22 high tech hospital beds. The Emergency Department serves 15,500 patients on average.
St Nicholas Center for Surgery
At St Nicholas Center for Surgery in-patient as well as out-patient services are available. Up to 150 planned surgeries are performed and up to 900 out-patients are registered monthly.
Batumi Referral Hospital
巴统, 佐治亞州
價格要求 $
The hospital serves up to 1000 inpatients and more than 3000 ambulatory patients monthly. Very complicated surgeries are performed at the hospital, such as surgery on gallbladder and liver, including liver transplantation.
安卡拉, 土耳其
價格要求 $
自1992年成立以來,Bayındır醫院Söğütözü佔地18.650平方米,距離市中心僅10分鐘車程,可容納169張床,治療服務,門診,急診服務,6個手術室 配有過濾通風系統以降低感染風險,適用於所有類型的手術,擁有35張床位的重症監護室配備了最先進的生命支持系統,診斷和醫學影像中心以及醫學實驗室單元,可為患者提供安慰 並滿足他們的各種醫療需求。