
法蘭克福, 德國


Nordwest診所腫瘤與血液學中心通過了ESMO認證。 世界上只有22家類似水平的診所。



該地區唯一經認證可進行聚焦超聲(FUS)治療的中心屬於醫院。 在2011年,《時代》雜誌將FUS評為十年最佳50項發明。



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經驗豐富的醫生。 根據《福克斯》的報導,部門負責人經常被列入德國最好的醫生的TOP中,其中包括神經系統部門負責人Uta Meiding-Lamade和腫瘤科醫生Elke Yeager。

Uta Meyding-Lamade

Uta Meyding-Lamade

專業化: 神經學

Prof. Uta Meyding-Lamade is among leading neurologists in Germany specialized at a stroke, multiple sclerosis, rheumatologic diseases, and neurological disorders treatment.

Elke Jaeger

Elke Jaeger

專業化: 腫瘤科

Professor Elke Yeager is the head doctor of the Oncology and Hematology Clinic at the Nordwest Center. Dr. Yeager also heads the Clinical Research Center of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, where he leads the immunological laboratory.

Siegbert Rossol

Siegbert Rossol

專業化: 腸胃病學, 傳染性疾病

Professor Siegbert Rossol is the Head Physician at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Nordwest Clinic. Dr. Rossol is a recognized expert of the German Digestive Society and a permanent consultant to the Hessen Health television program. In addition, Professor Rossol is engaged in teaching.

Thomas W Kraus

Thomas W Kraus

專業化: 減肥手術, 腫瘤學, 腫瘤科

Prof. Kraus is one of the most experienced surgeons in the country. Every year he heads the list of the best physicians in Germany. Most of his clinical training and scientific researches were conducted at the world’s largest oncological centers in the USA, France, and Japan.

Eckhart Weidmann

Eckhart Weidmann

專業化: 腫瘤科

Professor Eckhart Weidmann is a world-renowned professional, one of the key specialists in the treatment of hematological diseases in the Federal State of Hesse and the Rhine-Main Region. He is a member of the American Cancer Research Association, the European Cancer Society, and an active member of the working groups of the European Hematology Association, the German Society of Oncology and Hematology, the Hemoblastosis Society, and the German Cancer Society. Currently, the professor is the head of the hematology department at the Nordwest Clinic.

Christoph Rangger

Christoph Rangger

專業化: 腫瘤學, 骨科

Professor Christoph Rangger is a recognized expert in the treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, spine, and joints. He is a specialist in the field of joint replacement, arthroscopic surgery. Professor Rangger has a reputation as the best specialist - he trains doctors from the best clinics in different countries. The doctor has a trade union permit for the treatment of especially serious injuries - senior officials of foreign countries come to the operation specifically for him.

Eduard Becht

Eduard Becht

專業化: 腫瘤學, 腫瘤科, 泌尿科

Professor Becht is a recognized expert of the German Society for the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence and an Honorary Doctor of Science at Athens State University. Eduard Becht is the author of more than 150 scientific works on urological and pediatric oncology, bladder cancer, as well as minimal aggressive therapy.

Stephan Kissler

Stephan Kissler

專業化: 婦科, 生殖醫學, 分娩

Stefan Kissler is an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist, a leading German reproductologist, who has repeatedly been included in the list of “The Best German IVF Physicians”. Heads the Center for Reproductive Medicine at Nordwest Hospital, author and co-author of more than 50 scientific publications. Achieved great success in vitro fertilization.

Jörg B. Engel

Jörg B. Engel

專業化: 婦科, 腫瘤科, 分娩

Professor Jörg Engel is the Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at Nordwest Hospital. Specialist in minimally invasive gynecological operations. He is engaged in the treatment of breast diseases.

Christian Jacobi

Christian Jacobi

專業化: 神經學


Gerhart Tseslinsky

Gerhart Tseslinsky

專業化: 心髒病學


Matthias W. Lorenz

Matthias W. Lorenz

專業化: 神經學


Max Zegelman

Max Zegelman

專業化: 心髒病學, 神經學, 血管藥物, 胸外科

Professor Max Zegelman is one of the most talented phlebologists, avascular and thoracic surgeons, annually topping the list of the best doctors in Germany. Dr. Tsegelman - Head of the Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery at the Nordwest Center. The doctor is studying the use of laser techniques in thoracic surgery and the field of endovascular vascular surgery. He is a frequent speaker at conferences on thoracic surgery. He has many scientific publications in specialized international publications.

Peter Ulrich

Peter Ulrich

專業化: 神經外科

Dr. Peter Ulrich is the Head of the Neurosurgery Department in Nordwest Clinic. The Professor specializes in the brain, spine head, and vessels microsurgery. The Doctor has been practicing neurosurgery since 1985. Dr. Ulrich’s papers on neurobiology are regularly published in the foreign medical sources.

Stefanie Veit

Stefanie Veit

專業化: 胸外科

18 years of experience

Michael van Kampen

Michael van Kampen

專業化: 腫瘤科


