
耶路撒冷, 以色列





哈達薩醫療中心由美國女子猶太復國主義組織的成員於1918年在耶路撒冷建立,並成為中東最早的現代診所之一。 Hadassah由位於耶路撒冷不同郊區的2家醫院組成,一家位於Scopus山,另一家位於Ein Kerem。

Hadassah Mount Scopus是一家多學科醫院,成立於1939年,擁有350張床位和更多的醫院 眼科,神經外科,腫瘤學,

Hadassah Ein Kerem是一家三級醫院,成立於1961年,擁有800多張床位和130個科室,包括腫瘤科,骨髓移植科,兒科醫學科和急診科。






  • 在線醫生諮詢 在線醫生諮詢
  • 復原 復原
  • 機場接機 機場接機
  • 訂酒店 訂酒店
  • 機票預訂 機票預訂
  • 空中救護車 空中救護車
  • 免費WiFi 免費WiFi
  • 有停車場 有停車場




哈達薩醫療中心擁有4,000多名員工,其中包括850名醫生,2000名護士以及1000多名輔助醫療和支持人員。 許多Hadassah醫生與耶路撒冷希伯來大學及其專家密切合作,參與了科學研究項目和臨床試驗。 在以色列進行的醫學研究中,有一半以上是在哈達薩進行的。 哈達薩醫學中心的許多教授都是耶路撒冷希伯來大學的講師和副教授,培訓了來自不同國家的700多名專家。 診所使用的語言包括英語,俄語,希伯來語,羅馬尼亞語和意大利語等。

Prof. Nathan Gofrit Ofer

Prof. Nathan Gofrit Ofer

專業化: 泌尿科

  • Graduated from Ben-Gurion University Medical School with a medical degree in 1986
  • Graduated with a PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2005
  • Specializes in urology
  • Senior urologist at Hadassah University Hospital since 2000
  • Associate professor of urology at Hebrew University
  • Reviewer of various medical journals on urology
  • Speaks English and Hebrew

Dr. Shimon Reif

Dr. Shimon Reif

專業化: 腸胃病學

Dr. Shimon Reif is one of Israel’s best specialists in pediatric gastroenterology and pediatrics. In his practice he applies the most modern methods of treatment and diagnosis of childhood diseases. In particular, it specializes in the treatment of such diseases of the digestive system:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • constipation;
  • absorption disorder syndrome;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • recurrent abdominal pain;

and liver:

  • hepatitis (acute and chronic);
  • disease of fatty rebirth;
  • cirrhosis;
  • liver failure;
  • prolonged jaundice;
  • violation of liver enzymes.

Prof. Reif is also involved in solving nutritional problems:

  • obesity;
  • weight loss;
  • dysplasia

Professor Tamir Ben-Hur

Professor Tamir Ben-Hur

專業化: 神經學, 腫瘤科

Professor Tamir Ben-Hur directs the neurological department.

The professor graduated from the University of Jerusalem in 1988 and since then his career has been developing within the walls of the Haddass University Hospital.

Professional interests include multiple sclerosis, childhood cancer, retinoblastoma and histiocytosis. He is actively engaged in research on neuroimmunology, neurobiology, in particular stem cell formation, with the aim of studying what he did an internship in Paris.

Professor Reuven Or

Professor Reuven Or

專業化: 腫瘤科

In the center of Haddassa, the professor heads a department specializing in cancer immunotherapy and conducting bone marrow transplants. He studied in the specialty abroad, first at the University of Milan, continuing in the USA (Colorado).

He studied in the specialty abroad, first at the University of Milan, continuing in the USA (Colorado). Returning to Israel, he organized his own laboratory, which is engaged in the study of immune rehabilitation. As a result of his research, 2 large large hematological projects were created. For the creation of stem cells and cord blood bank was awarded the prize of the Israeli Medical Association.

For the creation of stem cells and cord blood bank was awarded the prize of the Israeli Medical Association. Professor Reuven Or is a member of several hematology societies, blood banks, the Academy of Allergy, and US Immunology.

Профессор Тамар Яблонски-Перец

Профессор Тамар Яблонски-Перец

專業化: 腫瘤科

Профессор и доктор медицины на данный момент руководит институтом онкологии им.Шарет, который относится к медицинскому центру Хаддаса Эйн Керем. Помимо клинической деятельности, активно занимается исследовании в области онкологии, разработке экспериментальных препаратов, которые предназначены и для ликвидации побочных эффектов, которые возникают при лечении химиотерапией. Об этом свидетельствует почти сотня публикаций профессора в ведущих изданиях Израиля и Европы.

Профессор Тамар Яблонски-Перец состоит в раковом сообществе Израиля, Американском радиотерапевтическом обществе лечения онкологии, Европейском исследовательском обществе, занимающемся проблемами онкологии.

Doctor Meirovitz Amichay

Doctor Meirovitz Amichay

專業化: 腫瘤科

Profile diseases

  • Lung cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Prostate cancer stage 1
  • Prostate cancer stage 2
  • Prostate cancer stage 3
  • Prostate cancer stage 4
  • Lung cancer stage 1
  • Lung cancer stage 2
  • Lung cancer stage 3
  • Lung cancer stage 4

Professor Aviram Nissan

Professor Aviram Nissan

專業化: 腫瘤科

Head of the Department of Surgery

Specialized in treatment of Colorectal Cancer and Surface Malignancies

Prof. Ben Yehuda

Prof. Ben Yehuda

  • Graduated from Ben-Gurion University Medical School with a medical degree in 1980
  • Completed her medical training at Hadassah University Hospital in 1985
  • Specializes in internal medicine
  • Special interest in malignant hematology diseases
  • Head of the hematology department at Hadassah Medical Center
  • Participated in world wide clinical trials
  • Guest lecturer at various international medical events
  • Speaks English and Hebrew

Prof. Ben-Chetrit Eldad

Prof. Ben-Chetrit Eldad

專業化: 風濕病學

  • Graduated from Hebrew University of Jerusalem with his medical degree
  • Further training in rheumatology and immunology at Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in La Jolla in California
  • Specializes in internal medicine
  • Special interest in rheumatology, Behcet disease, FMF, and arterial diseases
  • Has authored more than 200 national and international articles and chapters in books
  • Professor at the Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem
  • Visiting professor at Stanford University and McGill University
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
  • Speaks English, Hebrew, and Arabic

Prof. Jacob Pe'er

Prof. Jacob Pe'er

專業化: 眼科

  • Graduated from Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Medicine in 1975
  • Completed his residency in ophthalmology in 1985
  • Head of ophthalmology at Hadassah University Hospital
  • Expertise in general ophthalmology, ocular oncology, ocular pathology and pediatric ophthalmology
  • Special interest in ocular tumors
  • Former president of the International Society of Ocular Oncology
  • Speaks English and Hebrew

Prof. Yackov Berkun

Prof. Yackov Berkun

  • Graduated from Tel Aviv University in 1977 and from Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Medicine in 1983 with his medical degree
  • Specializes in pediatric medicine and is head of the pediatric department
  • Lecturer in pediatric medicine at Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Medicine
  • Lecturer in pediatric medicine at Tel Aviv University
  • Speaks English, Hebrew, and Romanian

Prof. Meir Iri Liebergall

Prof. Meir Iri Liebergall

專業化: 骨科

  • Graduated from Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem with a medical degree in 1983
  • Specializes in orthopedic surgery and is head of the orthopedic department
  • Special interest in orthopedic trauma, joint replacement, and fracture complications
  • Professor at Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical School
  • Has attended various national and international medical conferences
  • Member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (International Affiliated Member), the International society of Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery, the American Orthopedic Research Society, the Israel Medical Association, and the Israeli Orthopedic Association
  • Speaks English and Hebrew

Prof. Beatrice Uziely

Prof. Beatrice Uziely

專業化: 腫瘤科

  • Graduated from Hebrew University of Jerusalem with a degree in biology in 1975
  • Graduated with a medical degree in 1981 from Hebrew University Medical School
  • Special interest in breast cancer, invasive tumors, and clinical research in hormonal and chemical treatments
  • Awarded the Lando Award for Clinical Research on the management of metastatic thyroid cancer
  • Awarded the Hebrew University Faculty Prize in 1995
  • Member of the Israel Medical Association, the Israel Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the European Society for Medical Oncology
  • Speaks English, Hebrew, and Romanian

Prof. Alexander Simon

Prof. Alexander Simon

專業化: 婦科, 生殖醫學

  • Graduated from Hebrew University of Jerusalem with a medical degree in 1982
  • Specializes in obstetrics and gynecology
  • Special interest in female infertility and IVF
  • Head of the IVF department
  • International medical experience working in both Europe and the US
  • Associated professor in obstetrics and gynecology, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Speaks English and Hebrew

Dr. Alexander Margulis

Dr. Alexander Margulis

專業化: 整形外科

  • Graduated from Israel Institute of Technology in 1987 with a degree in medical science
  • Graduated with a medical degree in 1991
  • Completed his fellowship in pediatric plastic surgery in Northwestern University School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois
  • Special interest in melanocyric moles, ear reconstruction and cleft palate and lips
  • Member of the medical teaching faculty at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Speaks English and Hebrew

Prof. Revuen Or

Prof. Revuen Or

  • Graduated from University of Milan, Italy
  • Completed post-graduate studies in immunology at the University of Colorado, USA
  • Specializes in hematology
  • Special interest in immunotherapy, bone marrow transplant, and graft versus host disease (GvHD)
  • Head of the department of bone marrow transplantation and cancer immunotherapy
  • Established a research laboratory which is involved in a variety of clinical trials
  • Medical manager of the umbilical blood bank in Israel and the Israeli bone marrow donors registry
  • Awarded the Menachem Begin Prize in 2008
  • Speaks English, Italian, and Hebrew


基里亞特事故:POB 12000以色列耶路撒冷