Leczenie w Essen

Co decyduje o koszcie leczenia?

Następujące czynniki wpływają na koszt leczenia:

  • Zastosowane technologie leczenia
  • Diagnoza i ogólny stan zdrowia pacjenta
  • Kwalifikacje specjalisty

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Leczenie w Essen znaleziono 8 wynik
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Professor Roland Veltkamp is known in Germany and the UK German stroke neurologist. Prof. Roland Veltkamp heads a research group improving stroke management with the help of anticoagulants and studying stroke prevention methods. The doctor applies all the findings (as neuroinflammation after stroke) and medical innovations to treat patients.

Prof. Andreas Hufnagel is a specialist in the treatment and diagnostics of neurological and psychiatric disorders with over 30 years of experience.

Dermatologia,  Onkologia 1 Pacjenci poprosili o opinię

Dirk Schadendorf is the Head of the Department of Dermatology and Oncodermatology at the Essen University Hospital.

Professor Reimer has been involved in the treatment of cancer for over 20 years. During this time, he served as senior doctor, department head and deputy director of the stem cell transplant center.

Gastroenterologia 1 Pacjenci poprosili o opinię

Head of the Center of Gastroenterology and Hepatology