Leczenie w Solingen

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Następujące czynniki wpływają na koszt leczenia:

  • Zastosowane technologie leczenia
  • Diagnoza i ogólny stan zdrowia pacjenta
  • Kwalifikacje specjalisty

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Leczenie w Solingen znaleziono 13 wynik
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Gastroenterologia,  Onkologia 1 Pacjenci poprosili o opinię

Prof. Boris Pfaffenbach is a top-rated gastroenterologist and oncology specialist from Germany who heads the Department of Gastroenterology, Oncology and Internal Medicine at the Medical Center in Solingen.

Ortopedia 2 Pacjenci poprosili o opinię

Professor Flohé specializes in hand microsurgery: fractures of the bones of the hand, restoration of the ligamentous apparatus, surgical treatment of complications of the tunnel syndrome, removal of hygroma and benign tumors of the hand, elimination of "bumps", osteophytes, treatment of osteoarthritis of the joints of the upper extremities.

One of the founders of modern vascular surgery in Germany.

Head Physician, Department of Cardiology and General Internal Medicine, Solingen Academic Hospital

Onkologia,  Urologia 1 Pacjenci poprosili o opinię

Professor Marcus Goyzer is a leading specialist in the field of urology and Uro-oncology at Solingen Hospital.

Neurochirurgia 6 Pacjenci poprosili o opinię

Prof. Ralf Buhl is a world-famous neurosurgeon and world top neurologist with over 20 years of experience. Doctor Buhl heads the Neurosurgery Department at Solingen Klinikum. His reputation reaches China and the US where he provides neurosurgical lectures.

Dr. Sebastian Hentsch is a Head of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department in Solingen Klinikum.

Onkologia,  Uszy, nos i gardło (ent) 1 Pacjenci poprosili o opinię

Prof. Andreas Sesterhenn is the Chief Physician of the Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Plastic Surgery Departments in Solingen Clinic.

Dr. Manuela Seifert is a top German oncology breast specialist. Dr. Manuela Seifert is a specialist in diagnostics, therapy, and aftercare of breast diseases and sonography.