Kurapa Oncology

Kurapa Oncology

Oncology ibazi remushonga iro rinodzidza bundu neanokuvadza maronda, maitiro nemaitiro ezvinoitika nekusimudzira, nzira dzekudzivirira, kuongororwa uye kurapwa. Tumors ari benign (kwete kenza) kana kukuvadza (kenza). Benign tumor inokura zvishoma nezvishoma uye haapararira mumuviri wese. Malignant tumors anokura nekukurumidza kwazvo. Vanopinda nechisimba nehurefu matishu, vachidziparadza, uye kupararira nemuviri wese. Kurapa kenza ndeimwe yenzvimbo dzinotungamira dzekurapa kwakanyanya.
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Oncology 3 Varwere vakabvunza zano
  • Graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem/Hadassah
  • Specializes in oncology

Neurology,  Oncology 2 Varwere vakabvunza zano

Professor Tamir Ben-Hur directs the neurological department.

The professor graduated from the University of Jerusalem in 1988 and since then his career has been developing within the walls of the Haddass University Hospital.

Professional interests include multiple sclerosis, childhood cancer, retinoblastoma and histiocytosis. He is actively engaged in research on neuroimmunology, neurobiology, in particular stem cell formation, with the aim of studying what he did an internship in Paris.

In the center of Haddassa, the professor heads a department specializing in cancer immunotherapy and conducting bone marrow transplants. He studied in the specialty abroad, first at the University of Milan, continuing in the USA (Colorado).

He studied in the specialty abroad, first at the University of Milan, continuing in the USA (Colorado). Returning to Israel, he organized his own laboratory, which is engaged in the study of immune rehabilitation. As a result of his research, 2 large large hematological projects were created. For the creation of stem cells and cord blood bank was awarded the prize of the Israeli Medical Association.

For the creation of stem cells and cord blood bank was awarded the prize of the Israeli Medical Association. Professor Reuven Or is a member of several hematology societies, blood banks, the Academy of Allergy, and US Immunology.

Профессор и доктор медицины на данный момент руководит институтом онкологии им.Шарет, который относится к медицинскому центру Хаддаса Эйн Керем. Помимо клинической деятельности, активно занимается исследовании в области онкологии, разработке экспериментальных препаратов, которые предназначены и для ликвидации побочных эффектов, которые возникают при лечении химиотерапией. Об этом свидетельствует почти сотня публикаций профессора в ведущих изданиях Израиля и Европы.

Профессор Тамар Яблонски-Перец состоит в раковом сообществе Израиля, Американском радиотерапевтическом обществе лечения онкологии, Европейском исследовательском обществе, занимающемся проблемами онкологии.

Oncology 2 Varwere vakabvunza zano

Profile diseases

  • Lung cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Prostate cancer stage 1
  • Prostate cancer stage 2
  • Prostate cancer stage 3
  • Prostate cancer stage 4
  • Lung cancer stage 1
  • Lung cancer stage 2
  • Lung cancer stage 3
  • Lung cancer stage 4

Head of the Department of Surgery

Specialized in treatment of Colorectal Cancer and Surface Malignancies

  • Graduated from Hebrew University of Jerusalem with a degree in biology in 1975
  • Graduated with a medical degree in 1981 from Hebrew University Medical School
  • Special interest in breast cancer, invasive tumors, and clinical research in hormonal and chemical treatments
  • Awarded the Lando Award for Clinical Research on the management of metastatic thyroid cancer
  • Awarded the Hebrew University Faculty Prize in 1995
  • Member of the Israel Medical Association, the Israel Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the European Society for Medical Oncology
  • Speaks English, Hebrew, and Romanian
  • Professor of Surgery
  • Has studied or worked at Hacettepe University School Of Medicine; the Department of Surgery, University of South Alabama; Isparta Military Hospital; and the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Department of General Surgery, University Hospital, Zürich/İsviçre
  • Has made 50 international presentations
  • Has published 26 international articles and 23 book chapters
  • Has received the Tübitak Research Award

Oncology 1 Varwere vakabvunza zano
  • Director of Radiation Oncology
  • Professor at Medipol University
  • On the Board of Directors of the Radiosurgery Society
  • Member of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology, the European Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, and more
  • Fluent in English and French
  • Graduated from Gazi University