HeliOS Chipatara Buch (Berlin)

Berlin, Germany

Tsananguro yekiriniki

Iri boka rakasanganiswa rinobata varwere vanosvika mamirioni mashanu pagore, riine mibhedha inopfuura mazana matatu nemakumi matatu, nevashandi mazana manomwe. Sechipatara chehunyanzvi hwakawanda, kune madhipatimendi akasiyana siyana anosanganisira kuvhiya chivakwa chitsva chechipatara chakavhurwa uye chimwe chimbovakwa zvekare chakadzorerwa. Chipatara chakazara nemakamuri ekurapa anopfuura chiuru, makumi mana nenomwe ari muchikamu chakazvimirira chechipatara. Mabasa anopihwa anosanganisira maWi-Fi emahara, terevhizheni, dudziro, rubatsiro rwemaviza, kiriniki pane imwe nzvimbo, uye vese hotera nendege kunotora uye kusiya-kubvapo. emakambani einishuwarenzi epasi rese ayo anosanganisira AXA PPP, Allianz World Wide Care, uye International SOS.



HELIOS Chipatara Berlin-Buch iri 24 km kubva Berlin Tegel Airport uye 40 km kubva Schonefeld Airport, ndege mbiri dzese dzinowanikwa kuburikidza nechitima kana tekisi. Chiteshi chepedyo cheS-Bahn kuchipatara ndecheBerlin Buch S-Bahn, chingangoita 1.5 km kubva ipapo.

Chipatara chiri muBuch, nzvimbo iri kuchamhembe kwakadziva kumabvazuva kweBerlin. Schlosspark Buch, iri paki diki iri pedyo nerwizi uko varwere vanogona kuzorora, iri 2 km kure kubva kuchipatara. Buch yekushambira iri zvakare inowanikwa padyo, ingori mamaira matatu kubva kuchipatara.

Berlin nzvimbo yeguta, iyo inopa yakawanda yezvakaitika kare uye zvetsika zvinokwezva, iri kune imwe nzvimbo kure. Alexanderplatz, inzvimbo inoyemurika yekutenga iri zvakare kumusha kune inozivikanwa TV TV, inosvikika mukati megumi nemasere emuchipatara kuburikidza nezvifambiso zvevoruzhinji.

upa inotaurwa

Chirungu, chiGerman, chiRussia

Mubairo uye Zvikwereti

Mamwe masevhisi

  • Chemusi Chemusi
  • Yemahara Wifi Yemahara Wifi
  • Kuverenga hotera Kuverenga hotera
  • Airport pickup Airport pickup
  • Kufambisa kwenzvimbo Kufambisa kwenzvimbo
  • Makamuri evanzika evarwere anowanikwa Makamuri evanzika evarwere anowanikwa
  • Mobility inowanikwa makamuri Mobility inowanikwa makamuri
  • Kupaka iripo Kupaka iripo
  • Zvirekodhi zvokurapa zvinotapudza Zvirekodhi zvokurapa zvinotapudza
  • Chikumbiro chakakosha chekudya chinogamuchirwa Chikumbiro chakakosha chekudya chinogamuchirwa
  • Kuwachisa Kuwachisa
  • Mapepanhau epasi rose Mapepanhau epasi rose
  • Kugara kwemhuri Kugara kwemhuri
  • Runhare mumba Runhare mumba
  • Kudhiza masevhisi Kudhiza masevhisi

Mutengo wekurapwa

Bariatric surgery
Kuongorora kufungidzira
Rudo rwemahara
Laboratory medicine
Sleep medicine
Dzidzo yemadzimai
Ees, nose uye throat (ent)
Vascular medicine
Spinal surgery
Dzidzo yemadzimai uye kudzora
Kushandisa kwemahara

Vanachiremba Chemakiriniki

Chikwata cheHEIIOS muchipatara Berlin-Buch chine vanachiremba vanokwana mazana mazana mana nemakumi mana kubva kumaresheni akasiyana siyana, pamwe nevarapi vanosvika zviuru mazana manomwe vakanyoreswa. Nhengo dzakasiyana dzechikwata ichi dzakawana kudzidziswa kwenyika dzese uye inhengo dzemubatanidzwa wezvokurapa seEuropean Medicines Agency (EMEA) neGerman Association for Minimal Invasive Surgery.

Mitauro inotaurwa pachipatara inosanganisira chiGerman, Chirungu, uye Russian. Mabasa ekududzira anowanikwa pane chikumbiro chemurwere.

Joachim Pfannschmidt

Joachim Pfannschmidt

Nyanzvi: Kutora kwazvo

Professor, MD Joachim Pfannschmidt - Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery.

Michael Unch

Michael Unch

Nyanzvi: Gynecology, Oncology, Kusvira

Gynecological oncologist, an expert in the field of application of methods of laparoscopic organ-preserving surgery for the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Ralf Hempelmann

Ralf Hempelmann

Nyanzvi: Neurosurgery, Spinal surgery

Dr. Ralf Hempelmann is an experienced spinal neurosurgeon in Germany with over 25 years of practice. Dr. Hempelmann has provided over 4,000 surgeries on the brain, spinal cord, spine and peripheral nerves for his career.

Doctor Ralf Hempelmann is a specialist in microsurgical and minimally invasive spinal interventions. Last year he has devoted to the spine corrections in adults.

Jürgen Kiwit

Jürgen Kiwit

Nyanzvi: Neurosurgery, Oncology, Pediatrics

He is a doctor of medical sciences and a specialist in the treatment of diseases of the brain and spinal cord with microsurgical methods. Currently holds the position of head of the neurosurgical department.

Klaus Schaarschmidt

Klaus Schaarschmidt

Nyanzvi: Oncology

Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery in Berlin Buch. Advises on endoscopy, neonatology, surgical treatment of developmental abnormalities in children.

Torsten Gehrke

Torsten Gehrke

Nyanzvi: Dzesvondo

28 years of experience

Daniel Kendoff

Daniel Kendoff

Nyanzvi: Dzesvondo

Prof. Kendoff focused on clinical arthroplasty science, orthopedics, trauma, and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Kendoff makes a contribution to the development of new technologies like computer-assisted surgery (CAS), robotics and intra-operative 3-D imaging for orthopedic procedures.

Mark Schrader

Mark Schrader

Nyanzvi: Oncology, Uruzo

Prof. Schrader is an experienced German urologist with over 25 years of practice. He provides diagnostics and treatments of benign or malignant urological conditions and male reproductive system disorders.

Lothar Shveygerer

Lothar Shveygerer

Nyanzvi: Oncology, Pediatrics, Rheumatology

Areas in which Professor Lothar Schweigerere practices:

hematology, pediatric oncology: all forms of leukemia in children and adolescents, lymphomas, congenital and acquired anemia, hemophilia and other hereditary pathologies of the circulatory system;

pediatrics. Dr. Lothar Schweiger - Practicing Pediatrician: childhood infections, parasitoses, somatic pathologies, chronic inflammatory diseases;

rheumatology: joint diseases, acquired insufficiency of heart valves, autoimmune processes in children.

Joachim Klisch

Joachim Klisch

Nyanzvi: Kuongorora kufungidzira, Oncology

Joachim Klisch, MD, is one of the leading specialists in the Helios Clinic for the treatment of brain diseases and arteriovenous malformations.

Jörn Küchelbecker

Jörn Küchelbecker

Nyanzvi: Oncology, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics

Children's ophthalmologist. Head of the Pediatrics Department of the Helios clinic.

Stephan W. Tohtz

Stephan W. Tohtz

Nyanzvi: Dzesvondo

20 years of experience

Ulrih Bitz

Ulrih Bitz

Nyanzvi: Oncology

Ulrich Bitz is the Head of the Department of Oncology and the Center for Sarcoma at the Helios Berlin-Buch Clinic.

Marek Budner

Marek Budner

Nyanzvi: Gynecology, Kusvira

MD Marek Budner holds the post of chief physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Helios Clinic. He specializes in the treatment of gynecological neoplasms and breast cancer and also performs endoscopic minimally invasive operations.

Oliver Heese

Oliver Heese

Nyanzvi: Neurosurgery, Vascular medicine

Dr. Oliver Heese is a German neurosurgeon specializing in neuro-oncology, vascular neurosurgery, and epilepsy surgery.

Marcus Blum

Marcus Blum

Nyanzvi: Ophthalmology

Specialist in laser treatments, refractive surgery, and corneal transplant

Martin Strik

Martin Strik

Nyanzvi: Oncology, Endocrinology

Professor Martin Shtrik is an endocrine surgeon, an oncologist with experience of more than 20 years, a leading European specialist in minimally invasive thyroid surgery. The doctor removes the thyroid gland through axillary access, which helps to avoid scars on the neck, as with traditional surgery.

Ahmed Bozkurt

Ahmed Bozkurt

Nyanzvi: Kuponesa kwemunyara

Chief Physician of Clinic for Plastic Surgery

Arne Brecht

Arne Brecht

Nyanzvi: Oncology, Spinal surgery, Kutambisira

Arne Brecht heads the Bone Marrow Transplant Center at the Helios Clinic.

Bertram Glaß

Bertram Glaß

Nyanzvi: Oncology

Professor Bertram Glass is an oncohematologist with 25 years of experience, and the head of the center for hematology and stem cell transplantation at the Helios Berlin-Buch clinic. Dr. Glass specializes in the treatment of malignant diseases of the blood and blood-forming system, bone marrow transplantation.

Cornelia Dotzenrath

Cornelia Dotzenrath

Nyanzvi: Oncology, Endocrinology


Frank Kolligs

Frank Kolligs

Nyanzvi: Gastroenterology

Head of Gastroenterology Department

Georg Hagemann

Georg Hagemann

Nyanzvi: Neurology

Professor Georg Hagemann is a neurologist with 28 years of experience, MD, professor. He specializes in the treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, the treatment of brain cancer. Georg Hagemann currently leads the Neurology Center at the Helios Berlin-Buch Clinic.

Holger Mellerowicz

Holger Mellerowicz

Nyanzvi: Dzesvondo


Kerstin Lommel

Kerstin Lommel

Nyanzvi: Dermatology, Oncology


Per-Ulf Tunn

Per-Ulf Tunn

Nyanzvi: Oncology, Pediatrics

Per-Ulf Tunn is Germany's leading doctor for the treatment of sarcomas of bones and soft tissues. The doctor specializes in modern methods of treatment, including isolated chemoperfusion. The technique allows you to save the limb in 80 patients out of 100 with soft tissue sarcoma.

Peter Reichardt

Peter Reichardt

Nyanzvi: Oncology

Chief Physician of Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch, Head of the Oncology and Palliative Medicine Department, Specialist in Radiotherapy.

Robert Krempien

Robert Krempien

Nyanzvi: Oncology

Robert Krempien is professor, director of the center for radiation therapy and radio oncology at Helios Berlin-Buch.

Stefan Dresel

Stefan Dresel

Nyanzvi: Oncology

27 years of experience

Yu-Mi Ryang

Yu-Mi Ryang

Nyanzvi: Neurosurgery, Vascular medicine

Dr. Yu-Mi Ryang is a German neurosurgeon with over 20 years of experience. Dr. Ryang heads the Neurosurgery Department at Helios Berlin Buch. Dr. Ryang is an expert in spinal neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, and vascular neurosurgery.


Schwanebecker Chaussee 50 Berlin, Germany