Kurapa in Dortmund

Chii chinotema mutengo wekurapwa?

Izvi zvinotevera zvinokanganisa mutengo wekurapwa:

Iyo yakaoma inosanganisira anopfuura zana emakiriniki uye masangano. Izvi zvinotibvumira kubatsira varwere.

Ratidza zvimwe ...
Kurapa in Dortmund yakawanikwa 5 mhedzisiro
Ronga ne
Oncology 1 Varwere vakabvunza zano

Michael Truss is one of the leaders in the list of leading urologists in Germany according to FOCUS Magazine.

Director of the Department of Surgery at the Dortmund Clinic

Specialist in internal medicine, gastroenterology, hematology and oncology