Trattamento del cancro all'esofago

Trattamento del cancro all'esofago

nullla terapia farmacologica e radiologica è collegata all'operazione. La scelta del principale metodo di trattamento è dettata dalle dimensioni e dalla posizione del tumore, dalle condizioni del paziente e dalle malattie concomitanti.Con un tumore molto piccolo che non germina la mucosa, solo la mucosa con lo strato sottostante viene resecata con un gastroscopio e i risultati del trattamento sono molto buoni.Nella fase I - II del cancro, viene rimossa parte dell'esofago, il difetto viene riempito con un segmento dell'intestino o si forma un tubo dallo stomaco. Oggi è possibile utilizzare apparecchiature endoscopiche per queste operazioni.Con la diffusione del tumore nello strato muscolare e oltre, viene eseguita anche un'operazione, ma questanullA volte la chemioradioterapia viene eseguita con un intervento chirurgico radicale insufficiente. La chemioterapia può essere eseguita se non è possibile un intervento chirurgico, quando il tumore è troppo grande o con un tumore piccolo, ma con controindicazioni generali all'intervento chirurgico. In questa opzione conservativa, la sopravvivenza è paragonabile al trattamento chirurgico. In presenza di fistole, la chemioradioterapia non è possibile. La chemioterapia può essere complicata dall'infiammazione acuta della mucosa dell'esofago, che richiederà un pasto attraverso un contagocce.Lascia una richiesta sul nostro sito Web e i nostri specialisti ti contatteranno e ti aiuteranno a scegliere la migliore clinica in base al tuo caso in modo assolutamente gratuito.
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Trattamento del cancro all'esofago fondare 43 risultato
Ordina per
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Amburgo, Germania
Prezzo su richiesta $
The Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) was founded in 1889 and is one of the leading research clinics in Germany as well as in Europe. The hospital treats 291,000 outpatients and 91,854 inpatients annually.
Anadolu Medical Center
Kocaeli, Turchia
Prezzo su richiesta $
The Anadolu Medical Center, established in 2005, is a JCI-accredited multispecialty hospital with 268 patient beds. Its core competencies are in oncology (including sub-specialties), cardiovascular surgery (adult and pediatric), bone marrow transplants, neurosurgery, and women’s health (including IVF).
Memorial Hospital
Istanbul, Turchia
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Memorial Ankara Hospital is a part of the Memorial Hospitals Group, which were the first hospitals in Turkey to be JCI-accredited. The group includes 10 hospitals and 3 medical centers in several major Turkish cities including Istanbul and Antalya. The hospital is 42,000m2 in size with 63 polyclinics, and is one of the largest private hospitals in the city.
Fortis Hospital Bangalore
Bangalore, India
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Fortis Hospital Bangalore belongs to Fortis Healthcare Limited, a leading integrated healthcare provider with a total of 54 healthcare facilities located in India, Dubai, Mauritius, and Sri Lanka. Collectively, the group has approximately 10,000 patient beds and 260 diagnostic centers.
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Medical Center)
Tel Aviv, Israele
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Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, formerly known as Ichilov Medical Center, was re-named in honor of the Mexican philanthropist Elias Sourasky, whose investments were used for building the hospital.
Asan Medical Center
Seoul, Corea del Sud
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AMC has 25 specialized centers of health including the fetal treatment center, organ transplant center, robotic surgery center, and stem cell treatments. It treats over 11,000 outpatients and 2,500 inpatients per day in a variety of medical specialities.
Samsung Medical Center
Seoul, Corea del Sud
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It is considered one of the top hospitals in South Korea, renowned for its facilities and dedication to advanced and efficient care, including short waiting times.
Seoul National University Hospital
Seoul, Corea del Sud
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Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) is part of Seoul National University's College of Medicine. It is an international healthcare research center with 1,782 beds.
Severance Hospital
Seoul, Corea del Sud
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Severance Hospital is one of several distinguished facilities that belong to the Yonsei University Health System.
Interbalkan European Medical Center
Salonicco, Grecia
Prezzo su richiesta $
The Interbalkan Medical Center of Thessaloniki is the largest, most modern private hospital in northern Greece, providing comprehensive healthcare services, and a member of the Athens Medical Center, which is the biggest Healthcare Group in Greece.