Lifting corporeo

Lifting corporeo

Panoramica:Body Lift - una combinazione di procedure chirurgiche per migliorare l'aspetto generale del corpo del paziente rimuovendo l'eccesso e la tensione della pelle rimanente. Questo rimuove anche il grasso in eccesso sotto la pelle e, se necessario, la cellulite.Molto spesso, stringe la parte inferiore del corpo, inclusa l'addominoplastica (addominoplastica), nonché fianchi e glutei. Quando si solleva il corpo, è possibile eseguire anche altre operazioni, come il sollevamento del torace e della pelle delle mani. Durata media del soggiorno all'estero: 1-2 settimanePrima di tornare a casa, il chirurgo deve confermare che ciò consente le condizioni del paziente, nonché adottare tutte le misure necessarie per prevenire la trombosi venosa profonda (TVP).
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Lifting corporeo fondare 12 risultato
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University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Amburgo, Germania
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The Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) was founded in 1889 and is one of the leading research clinics in Germany as well as in Europe. The hospital treats 291,000 outpatients and 91,854 inpatients annually.
Leech Private Clinic (Graz)
Graz, Austria
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Leech Private Clinic offre una grande varietà di servizi medici e chirurgici che vanno dalla chirurgia plastica all'oftalmologia. La struttura offre ai visitatori un'atmosfera da hotel e pone l'accento sul benessere dei suoi pazienti. La Leech Private Clinic fa parte del gruppo SANLAS Holding, una delle aziende leader nella fornitura di servizi sanitari in Austria.
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Medical Center)
Tel Aviv, Israele
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Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, formerly known as Ichilov Medical Center, was re-named in honor of the Mexican philanthropist Elias Sourasky, whose investments were used for building the hospital.
Samsung Medical Center
Seoul, Corea del Sud
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It is considered one of the top hospitals in South Korea, renowned for its facilities and dedication to advanced and efficient care, including short waiting times.
ID Plastic Surgery Hospital Korea
Seoul, Corea del Sud
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ID Hospital Korea is a top private class plastic surgery and aesthetic clinic in Gangnam, Seoul. The hospital is located at a high-tech building divided by medical fields.
Hadassah Medical Center
Gerusalemme, Israele
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Hadassah Medical Center was founded in 1918 by members of the Woman's Zionist organization of America in Jerusalem and became one of the first modern clinics of the Middle East. Hadassah consists of 2 hospitals located in different suburbs in Jerusalem, one located in Mount Scopus and the other in Ein Kerem.
Assuta Hospital
Tel Aviv, Israele
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The hospital has 8 specialized departments to treat patients in cosmetic surgery, IVF, oncology, general surgery, cardiology, neurosurgery, orthopedics, and gastroenterology. Over 92,000 surgeries are performed annually and it has become one of the most advanced hospitals in the Middle East.
The Oracle Clinic
Seoul, Corea del Sud
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Oracle Dermatology and Plastic Surgery group is the largest-scale medical group in Korea. Their high standards and level of competitiveness has garnered them awards that gained them international recognition. One of the many things that has earned them their success is their unparalleled beauty practice and procedures.
Art Medic Clinic
Budapest, Ungheria
Prezzo su richiesta $
L'Art Medicic Clinic è una moderna e bella clinica specializzata in chirurgia plastica, estetica e ricostruttiva. La clinica offre un ambiente tranquillo e rigenerante con strutture mediche all'avanguardia e personale esperto, garantendo un'elevata qualità delle cure e il miglior supporto possibile per i pazienti.
La Clinique de l'Infirmerie Protestante
Lione, Francia
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La Clinique de l'Infirmerie Protestante was founded in 1844 and has over 30 medical specialties, including departments in cardiovascular surgery, visceral surgery, oncology, orthopedic surgery, ENT, and urological surgery. The hospital made many notable advancements in 2015, including introducing robotic-assisted surgery, and opening a dedicated thoracic pain unit.